The Vixxen

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Not a chat chapter today folks! also the picture I made in the sims 4, it's what Army's wearing. just, picture it with a fur coat

before you ask, the corset is cc, i will send the link to it if asked

when you see 🎶, turn on the music!

also also i am sick and tired of the "prim and proper" army stereotype. i dont like it when aloha is the one to get flirty. let army be the seductive one goddamnit

also also. human au. this fic is a human au. up to you to figure out how turf wars are held


"...They're really here?" Army said to himself, peaking into the audience. Among the normal regulars he saw-to both the bar and his show- he saw four pinkettes. Including the object of his affection: Aloha.

He took a deep breath, heading back into the dressing room. He still had a while- still had the finishing touches to do before The Vixxen was ready.

"Calm down, girl. You're gonna do great." One of his co-workers said. Her name-well, the only name Army knew her by- was Madam Ivy. She was a gorgeous pageant queen, known for her high camp and her deep green gowns. She was Army's own mentor in this, and she often went on after his performances.

"It's not that, Ivy." Army said. "Just... someone I like is out there- he doesn't know I do this. What if he recognizes me?"

"Vixxy, Darlin'. If I can barely tell you're a man in that makeup, I'm sure he won't recognize you." Madam Ivy stated. "So don't worry. You got your lineup?"

Army nodded. "I've got it. Just... still, I'm nervous."

The elder queen smiled. "It's alright. Hey, you wanna know what I'd do? I'd give him a little something to dream about tonight-"

"I know, I know. Just... Aloha's more than someone I want to fuck. I wanna have a genuine relationship with him!" Army exclaimed. "I know it might be a bit early, so soon after breaking up with Retro, too, but he's genuinely kind to me!"

"You're talkin about Retro Sweater, right? Not that sweetheart of a father of-"

"You mean Spec's dad? You can just say you think he's a dilf." Army interrupted. "And yes, I am talking about Retro Sweater. God- why would I date my friend's dad?"

Ivy shrugged. "Hey, we all have our tastes? Now, you ready, sweetheart? Earrings in?"

Army nodded. "And padding secure." He took another breath. "I'm ready."

"Then go out there and kill it." Ivy said, smiling. "Your heels are blood-red for a reason."

Army chuckled as he felt his worry leave himself, and as The Vixxen stepped on stage, just behind the lowered curtain.


Aloha sipped his drink, pretty much bouncing in his seat. He couldn't help but feel a bit bad that Army couldn't come, but hey. It'd be fun!

Diver smirked. "Not even started and you're antsy. Man, you must be excited."

"Look, it's my first time attending a drag show in over two months." Aloha said. "Of course I'm excited! I heard The Vixxen is a cute one, too."

Octoglasses laughed. "And here I thought you had a crush on Army!"

This made the firefly squid go pink. "Hey! T-there's a difference between crush, and thinking someone's cute. Army's the former, The Vixxen is the latter."

"Sure, 'Loha. Suuure..."

"Shh!" Straw said, sticking her hand in front of Octo's face to shut her up. "It's starting!"

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