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Not a text chapter! also uh. please no calling this cringe- I'm aware this plot line is cringe but a, my story, b, i wanted to examine more of Army's trauma! yay.

also also. retconning the drag chapter- they're cephalings. not rewriting the old chapter cause im not a fucking coward

also also also, octoling army

TW for mentions of sexual assault, and vomiting.

If you are or have been abused, sexually or not, please seek help- things will get a lot better after you tell someone. Note that I am not a professional- just a guy with a special interest in psychology.  However, I do know multiple resources- DM me and I'll give everything I can.


When Army woke up, he knew something was wrong. His stomach turned and he felt like he was gonna puke. He quickly made his way to the bathroom, and promptly emptied the contents of his stomach into the toilet.

He leaned against the bathtub, groaning in pain. His mind raced- He didn't eat anything that could've made his stomach upset last night... did he?


Did I miss my period?

The thought terrified Army. The last time he had sex... It was with Retro.


He sighed, throwing up once more, clutching his stomach. And, of course. Of course the noise attracted someone-

There was a knock on the bathroom door. "Army?" Avi asked. "You alright in there, kiddo?"

Army groaned. "No, not really.."

"Need anything?"

"...Promise not to judge?" The octo asked.

"I promise." Avi said.

"...A pregnancy test." Army admitted, his cheeks orange with embarrassment.

There was a pause. "I don't think we have any here. I can run up to the store and get a box."

"I have a few in my room- don't ask. Top drawer." Army said. "Please."

"Okay. Wait here." And, Avi was heard walking off.

Army flushed the toilet, and stood up, washing his hands. He looked himself in the mirror.

"...If that fucker got me pregnant, I'm going to bash his head in." Army said to himself. He wouldn't actually, but the image calmed his mind slightly.

There was another knock. "Can I come in?" Avi asked.

"Oh- sure thing." Army said.

The door opened, and there was Avi, holding the pregnancy test. He held it out to Army. "Here- Anything else you need?"

Army took it, and nodded. "Some tea would be nice. Peppermint."

"Skull's got the kettle on, I'll go make some." Avi said. He carefully hugged Army. "...I don't know what went on with you and Retro, but if you need any help, Skull and I are here. Alright?"

The octo smiled, returning Avi's embrace. "Alright... thank you, Avi. Really."

Avi smiled, and kissed Army's forehead in a fatherly manner. "Anytime. Now, I'll leave you to it." He left the bathroom, leaving Army with the stick.

Army took a deep breath. "Well... Might as well."


A timer on his phone, Army set the test stick in his room. He sipped the tea Avi brought him and just... tried to think this through.

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