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Taehyung and Jungkook lay on the floor as they catch up. 

"How was your photography classes? was it worth leaving me alone for a year!?" Jungkook asked. 

"It was great! I learned a lot!" Taehyung smiled. 

Jungkook huffed, "so I guess it was worth leaving me for."

Taehyung's smile softly faded as he recollected his memories of last year. He and Jungkook had always been inseparable, this was the first time that Taehyung had left Jungkook. It was true, the photography classes were great, he did learn a lot, but was it worth leaving Jungkook alone? 

"I bet you forgot all about me!" Jungkook huffed again. 

Taehyung smiled and pinched Jungkook's cheeks, "How can I?" He got up from the floor and reached for his bag, "look what I bought you"

"Is it diamond!? Gold!?" Jungkook excitedly sat up.

"Even better" Taehyung pulled out a box from his bag, it looked like it was from a bakery.  "Locals in Japan said that this was one of a kind" 

He opened the box. It was chocolate cake.


If there's one thing that Jungkook loves more than life, it is chocolate cake. 

He took a bite and his eyes shot up, "This is the best cake I've ever had !"

"I'm glad" Taehyung smiled.

If there's one thing that Taehyung loves more than life, it is Jungkook.

When was the moment he fell in love with Jungkook? No matter how many times he thought it over, he couldn't find the answer. When did he realize he was in love with him? When did his heart, mind and soul acknowledge it? Maybe it was that day 6 years ago when he spent the entire day visiting every single cake shop to buy Jungkook the perfect chocolate cake, it didn't stop there, he did that a lot. He would wait till he eats it, he would look at his face, look at how he looks at the cake, how he loved it. For a while it gave him the satisfaction of seeing his friend eat the cake, to see his friend looking at the cake with so much love and adoration that his eyes twinkled but as days went by, he wanted nothing more than to be the piece of cake. He wanted Jungkook to look at him like that. With Love. Hell, Taehyung hated chocolate but he would buy all the chocolate in the world for Jungkook if he would promise to look at him the same way he looks at chocolate.

"Do you want a piece?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung snapped into reality, "um--no thanks"

Jungkook scoffed and focused back on the cake, "The same answer every time. Do you even like chocolate?"

"I do. A lot." He replied with a soft smile.

It was him who he liked. 

"Catch me up. What did I miss?" Taehyung asked. He wanted to be as involved in Jungkook's life as he used to be.

"Well..." Jungkook chewed his lips, he was never able to keep anything from Taehyung. He wanted to wait till his feelings made sense, but now he had to tell him.

"Well?" Taehyung looked at him curiously.

"I--I Think I'm in love with Namjoon."

Crack. That was the sound of Taehyung's heart breaking. He didn't move, he didn't speak, he simply stared at Jungkook. What?

"say something. You're making me nervous" Jungkook fiddled with his hands.


Jungkook didn't even know what love was the last time Taehyung saw him. But now he's talking about being in LOVE? How was Taehyung supposed to react?

"Yes--well I think--I'm not sure. I like him a lot and I've been spending a lot of time with him this year and he's super kind and intelligent and--" 

Taehyung couldn't hear no more. "Does he know?"

"No! God no! you're the first person I told"

Taehyung nodded.

Jungkook's phone rang. Taehyung saw Jungkook's eyes lit up, it hurt. 

"Oh it's Namjoon!" Jungkook grinned. He picked up the phone, "Hey Joonie, what's up?"

"Are you busy? " Namjoon's voice came through.

"I'm not busy, I can talk" Jungkook replied immediately.

Ouch. Taehyung got on his feet to leave to his room.  

Once Taehyung got to his room he sat on the bed and held his head in his hand. How can this happen? He knew he shouldn't have left. His breath was getting rapid and he was trying not to cry. 

only mere seconds later Jungkook knocked on his door.

"What is it?"Taehyung asked, he was not in the state to open the door and face Jungkook.

"T-Taehyung.." Jungkook's voice came as a whimper.

Taehyung immdieatly got to his feet and opened the door, "what's wrong!?" 

Jungkook's eyes were filled with tears, "N-Namjoon wants to hang out tomorrow."


"He wants to introduce me to his Boyfriend."

"oh." He pulled Jungkook into a hug, "I'm sorry. You don't have to go tomorrow."

"Can I sleep here in your room?" Jungkook mumbled into Taehyung's chest, "I missed you."

Who was Taehyung to say no? He took Jungkook's hand and led him to the bed and helped him get under the covers. "I missed you too." Taehyung settled beside him.

A few seconds later Jungkook tugged Taehyung's shirt, "will you come with me tomorrow?"

Taehyung stared at him.

"Please?" Jungkook asked, his cheeks were red and tear stained, his eyes were glassy. 

Taehyung cleared his throat, "Uh-yeah sure."

Jungkook nodded and turned around to face the wall. Silence engulfed them, they stayed like that for 10 minutes and neither were about to fall asleep.



"what's love?"

"It's pain." Taehyung replied.

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