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2 more hours passed and Jungkook was getting more and more drunk. He disappeared somewhere and Taehyung was loosing his mind trying to find him.

Jungkook ran to Taehyung yelling his name and looking like he saw a ghost.

"Why why? What happened? Are you okay?" Tae asked.

"I–I just–"

"What? Did someone say or do anything to you?" Tae was ready to fight whoever that was.

"No no" Jungkook started laughing. "I think I just saw something that I shouldn't have seen"

"What do you mean?"

"I was looking for the bathroom right?" Jungkook paused and gulped the drink in his hand. "I opened this door that in my mind looked like a bathroom door? Wait—how does a door look like a bathroom door?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Whatever. I opened this door right?"

"Right?" Taehyung urged him to continue.

"I saw Jimin with someone"


"It was Yoongi."


"They were" Jungkook leaned in closer to Taehyung's ear, "were having sex"

"WHAT" Taehyung asked, "AND YOU SAW THAT?"

"Yes!" Jungkook giggled.

"Tae? Have you had sex?" He asked not so quiet.

A couple of people around them turned to listen to their conversation.

"Shut up" Tae said but Jungkook didn't listen.

"Tell me tell me tell me tell me......"

"You're drunk let's go home."

"I don't wannnnnaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

"Well I don't care. Let's go."


At home~

Taehyung was leaning against the Kitchen Island whilst he watched Jungkook drink the glass of water. 

"Why won't you tell me who you slept with?"

"Who said I even slept with anyone?"

Jungkook shrugged. "I don't want to drink this anymore. I'm full." Jungkook lowered the half glass of water.

"No drink the entire thing." Taehyung crossed his arms. 


"No buts. Drink it."

Jungkook rolled his eyes and drank the entire thing. "You're very strict."

"so?" Taehyung scoffed.

"But you always let me do whatever I want but now..." Jungkook looked at him with his boba ball eyes.

"For once I'm not letting you do what you want and being strict. Does it bother you? huh?" Taehyung joked tilting his head.

Jungkook shivered and walked closer to Taehyung, "nooo...I think it's hot."

Taehyung's smile dropped and he uncrossed his hands, "w-what?"

Jungkook smiled innocently, "Were you strict with whoever you slept with too?"

"I--what are you talking about. I never slept with anyone. You know that."

Jungkook hummed and placed a hand on Taehyung's stomach and his eyes widened, "woah Tae, you have abs???? why did I not know that?"

"It's just a recent thing..you should go sleep" Taehyung tried to move past Jungkook but the younger didn't let him.

"Tae" Jungkook tugged on his shirt, "Have me."

"Ex-excuse me?"

"You know...like...like sex" Jungkook said in the most innocent voice and parted his lips. 

Jungkook latched his lips onto Taehyung's neck and kissed and sucked on it, forming multiple hickies and taehyung gripped the table behind him tight stopping himself from touching Jungkook. He made the mistake of closing his eyes because his imagination ran wild. 

He pulled himself together and pushed Jungkook away "what's gotten into you?" he  asked.

Jungkook placed his head on Taehyung's shoulder and shook his head. His hair tickled him . 

"I...I don't know hyung. Been all hot and bothered since I woke up today. The sensual songs in the party didn't help either."

God ! what was Taehyung supposed to focus at? HE called him HYUNG! with that voice! been horny since he woke up??? sensual songs? the songs they danced to?? the songs that turned him on too?

"I-I understand. Go take care of it in your room." Tae moved away from Jungkook hiding the tent that was forming in his pant.

"but hyunngggg"

That did it. That sent all the blood in Tae's brain to his dick. One more minute and he'll lose all his self control.

"No Jungkook. You're drunk out of your mind and I'm not dealing with this tonight."


"You enjoy pissing me off don't you? do you think you can always push me around and that I'll do anything if you look at me like that and if you call me hyung? well tough luck, It won't happen tonight. You're gonna shut your whining and go to your room. You understand?" Taehyung said, his jaw clenched. It would probably break if he clench it even more.

"I Said do you understand?" He repeated himself when Jungkook didn't reply. 

No one could have prepared Taehyung for what he was about to hear next. Jungkook, his best friend, the boy he was in love with, MOANED. 

He freaking moaned!? It was a whimper mixed with a soft moan and Taehyung almost threw his self control out of the window but fortunately for his future self, his phone rang.

It was Yoongi. He picked it up and his breathing calmed down. 

"I have to go."

Jungkook didn't say anything, he just looked like a kicked puppy. 

If not for the phone call Taehyung knew that he would have crossed a line he shouldn't have crossed.

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