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Jungkook could have had something real with Namjoon.

 That's what he believes.

 Maybe he's wrong but he thinks Namjoon could have loved him.

Namjoon meant a lot to Jungkook. Every smile, every glance from across a room, every time he made him laugh so hard he couldn't breathe meant a lot to Jungkook. But those were all fleeting moments where Jungkook felt happy to be alive and to be next to Namjoon. He never regrets falling for him and he never will regret that.

He might even call Namjoon his first love.  Just because it wasn't reciprocated, doesn't mean it wasn't real or it wasn't love.

He doesn't feel the same way about Namjoon anymore. 

His heart doesn't flutter around Namjoon and his heart doesn't break around Jin. 

His heart is happy.

Years down the road, he would still remember the way he felt towards Namjoon. He would never forget that feeling nor would he ever feel that emotion again.

Then there's Taehyung. Jungkook doesn't love him like he loved Namjoon. The Love for Taehyung is different. The emotions he felt for Taehyung and will continue to feel for Taehyung are different and it will never compare to any other.

The truth is, you may love different people in your life and it may all be true love but none of it will be the same.

Every time he looks at Taehyung Jungkook gets overwhelmed with a lot of feelings that he can't quite put into words. He doesn't need to, because Taehyung knows and everyone around them knows how Jungkook feels.

Taehyung was like walking into a home, Taehyung was like the first snow of the year, Taehyung was like the bright sun on a cold morning.

"Jungkook? you're home!" Taehyung welcomed him with a tight hug. "I'll fry you some meat"

Jungkook looks at him and thinks if Taehyung ever came to him with a face that he has not seem, with a voice that he has never heard, Jungkook would still know him. Even if centuries seperated them, he would still feel him.

People say that Love is the only thing you carry from one life to next. Jungkook is grateful that he will carry Taehyung. Afterall, they were like the sand and the waves, they would always come back to each other.

Taehyung grabs a glass and pours some banana milk in it and slides it to Jungkook, "here."

"Thanks." Jungkook smiles.


"Hmm?" he looks up from the glass.

"What is Love?" Taehyung asks.

"You." Jungkook smiles.

The End.

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