3. |Albedo, Kreideprinz, "the Art of Khemia of having royal blood"

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Request by: A friend of mine

"[Name]!" Calling from a small distance "Hmm? Oh Prince Albedo! Need something from me?" You replied happily. "You don't need to act so formal or call me that again [name], I told you a lot just call me Albedo." Albedo said. You just smiled and giggled a bit from what he said. "Okay okay I'll stop calling you prince albedo now, just albedo, it's only proper to call you that because you are royalty." You explain. Albedo nodded and spoke, "Its alright but i allow you to call me just albedo since we are close friends," You smiled by that being his close friend but felt kinda hurt you for some reason. "Oh! I wanted to ask you something." "Sure what is it?" You asked. "Can you meet me tonight close to the back door?" He asked. You nodded and said, "Sure I can do that!" "Thank you, we'll I got to go see you tonight!" He then walked off as you only continue to go help in the garden to help the maids and waited til night.

——— [ Mini ! Timeskip ] ———

"Albedo where are you taking me?" I questioned him
He chuckled and said, "It's a surprised we're almost there don't worry"
He walked me a bit more and we stopped. As you felt his hands slide off from my eyes,
"You can open your eyes now [name]"
As you slowly opened your eyes to adjust the moon nights glow, to be amazed by standing in front of a garden full of some of your favorite flowers/roses and other beautiful flower bushes. "Oh Albedo, it's beautiful!" You spoke being amazed on how albedo knew some of your favorite flowers/roses when you didn't tell him about them. "Only for the loveliest person in this world I have were met deserves this garden, it's all yours sweetheart." Instantly you got filled with butterflies and felt your face heat up, you tried to hide your face from what albedo said. You heard small footsteps walking towards you and to be only turn to look at albedo smiling, the most perfect, adorable, and loving smile you remember when you first met face to face with each other.

"[name], since the day I lay eyes on you I always wanted to be by your side, to be the one hold you, to comfort you in your deepest and darkest times, I've always enjoyed to be around you and you make me feel this certain way that I love and burns in this way. I love you [name], with all that I treated and gifted you, was my way to show that I love you." Your faced turned red from all what he said, you being the one he loves and always wanted to be with you? "Albedo..I don't know what to say I lo-" you were cutoff by albedo immediately kissing you.

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