4. |Modern!Venti,Cyno, & Heizou w Reader Being In love W a Fictional Character

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HII! Sorry for taking forever on this.. I'm finally having motivation to write again sooo maybe    More stuff will come!
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Original title:
Modern!Venti, Cyno, & Heizou Reacting To Reader Being In love W/ An Fictional Character!

 I'm finally having motivation to write again sooo maybe    More stuff will come! !Requested from tumblr!Original title:Modern!Venti, Cyno, & Heizou Reacting To Reader Being In love W/ An Fictional Character!

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✰ .. At first he thought it was a message he sent earlier that you were giggling at, so he just brushed it off and gave himself a smile you probably liked his corny joke he sent. I mean, what else could you be laughing at? Well, minus something your family sent you cause that's an exception for him of course. Nothing else could you be giggling and kicking your feet at?

✰ .. He was honestly surprised and had to process when he just learn that his partner/lover is in love with some fictional character? What does that character have that he doesn't!? He will playfully feel hurt even tho he might feel a bit but he hides it with his act, he'll probably tease you by something saying "would you choose me or that character you love so desperate that you forget about me 😣😣". But I do feel like if the character has a similar appearance, personality or the way that character acts similar to him, he will still tease you saying, "would you prefer this copy of me than this one infront of you!? I see how it is 

✰ .. He might be more of the teasing about it, he does get jealous of it from you being in love with some..fictional character than him. He tends to hide it from his silly personality playing it as teasing or a playful act. Venti overall will be teasing you about your fictional crush you are all over and being in love with him too, and don't even think he'll tone it down when you stop having that crush cause he's gonna make you regret for making that giggle you made that day.

★﹚As similar as the venti one I did, he honestly thought you were giggling at one of his joke you finally understood on

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★﹚As similar as the venti one I did, he honestly thought you were giggling at one of his joke you finally understood on. So he felt proud of himself and tried to think of another joke to tell you later on the day! But he never realized it's cause you were giggling because of some character in your phone..

★﹚Once he saw it was because of some funny character you love from some show/game/movie, he never been so shocked and betrayed. How could you see someone so much funnier than him!? How are their jokes more funnier than his!! He'll be sulking on you finding someone makes "better" jokes than him.

★﹚But jokes aside, he probably doesn't mind cause it's a fictional character. It's like being a child with a silly crush on someone, you'll get over it so he doesn't really mind..kinda. Sometimes when you're on your phone too much he gets kinda jealous you are giving your character more attention than him! He will try to be more touchy if you are fine with that or trying giving hints with words that he wants too. The man can't help it whenever you're on your phone too much!

୨﹒When you started to randomly giggle out of no where, he actually was kinda confused but immediately thought of all his flirty impressions he does to you that it must of finally hit you! He started to tease you about your random giggles and laugh...

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୨﹒When you started to randomly giggle out of no where, he actually was kinda confused but immediately thought of all his flirty impressions he does to you that it must of finally hit you! He started to tease you about your random giggles and laughs out of no where thinking it's cause of him. He never once though on his mind it was some character you are in love with?!

୨﹒Heizou will definitely be teasing than be jealous. Yes, he will be shocked at first that his dear lover is in love with some character from a show/game/movie!? He will be playfully be dramatic on saying you have replaced him in your heart and found someone more charming then him. Jokes aside, he might get a little jealous for you paying attention to your phone more than him, but he has his ways to get you off that damn phone. He is very observant on you and what things you don't like/enjoy by and what peeks your interest. So ofc, him being very playful and all, he had to do something to catch your attention so he can have it than your fictional crush. (You can make up whatever you imagine that got your attention whatever Heizou did/do)

୨﹒Going back to the teasing, he will definitely yeast like I said but more like dramatic playful teasing. Saying stuff like "[Name] I can't believe you have found someone more charming than me, I feel betrayed." While making a sad face and dramatic hand posing. You get me now? BUTT if your silly fictional crush is similar to heizou, then it'll be a bit more dramatic like venti's. He will call your fictional crush his double clone, other him, etc. anything that has to do with something as a clone being similar. He will be silly with these names but can you blame him cause your fictional crush is literally like him??

 He will be silly with these names but can you blame him cause your fictional crush is literally like him??

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