6. |Late Night Rabbles: Lyney

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Lyney is the type to just see you waving to him and his whole day is made

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Lyney is the type to just see you waving to him and his whole day is made. Even the smallest attention of you looking at him, his whole energy is over the roof! His obvious & oblivious crush on you is annoying Lynette on every talk her dear brother does when you notice him for the day.

"Lynette! Guess what~ I saw [Name]!! I saw her in the streets on my way here and they smiled and waved at mee!! I already feel double recharged for our show tonight!!" L̶y̶n̶e̶y̶ g̶i̶g̶g̶l̶i̶n̶g̶ i̶n̶ t̶h̶e̶ b̶a̶c̶k̶

"Lyney when are you going to ask them out? It's getting very tiring and worrying for Freminet." Lynette glared at Lyney for his daily routine little chit chats about you. Ohh if Lyney would actually use that same energy of talking about you to actually ask you out, Lynette prays for that day to hurry up now, she does not know if she can handle any longer soon!!

 Ohh if Lyney would actually use that same energy of talking about you to actually ask you out, Lynette prays for that day to hurry up now, she does not know if she can handle any longer soon!!

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A/N ; i am so sorry for not uploading anything, I haven't gotten any motivation it's slowly is making its way of ideas on what to do. Hopefully I'll post more soon ❤️❤️

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