What the Sun can do.

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As I walk down the rock filled road, a euphoric feeling feels almost trapped in the atmosphere. The rays of the sun against my sweaty pale skin feel like they're burning inside of me. Transforming me into a new person. There's a new sense in my body, my mind feels frivolous, exotic, care-free. The way my buckled shoes tap against the dusty trail has me giddly smiling. My mind swells with a thought, something that would make this day massive amounts better. A thought some would say is rageful, maybe on the highest peak of insanity. To me, it's creative, thought-through. So much so, that it brings an ear to ear smile on my well shaved face.

I had continued to walk until I came across a young group of ladies, stranded on the side of the road that my careless feet have been walking along on this rancid day. I had grown acustome to the heat of the weather in my area, the climate being so very humid. One of the girls had dark brown locks, twisting around as she flung her head in my direction, particularily happy upon my arrival. Pleads and begs for my help and comfort escaped her perfect heart shaped lips, so delicate looking it was as if the gods had carved the pink lines on her face themselves. I was first boggled at the fact this small group of lovely young women were so eager for me, but then I had soon to realize, their car had blown a tire with no spare, and I was their night in shining armour so to say. As I looked under by the wheel, only to be confused by the rucus happening to occur above. Of course, I was shaken, nothing like the strangeled sounds I had heard sounded normal. I had pulled my head back, and met with regret the moment I did as I had wittnessed two of the women beating eachother. The brown haired girl was sitting there, leant up against the hood on the car as if nothing was going on straight behind the curvature of her back. I stood up faster than I should have, a shock of dizziness overflowing my sight. I remember seeing one of the girls face, pressed up against the window as a crismon red liquid was flowing around her head. The next few moments were only happening in a blur to me, as the two women who were once fighting, both ended up being overcome with death in seconds against the red colored car. Though I am not positive on how both of these two females were driven to the point of death, I am positive that it was real.

I watched as her brown hair glistened, turning around in a startled motion. A horrific gasp had made it's way out of her mouth as she locked her dark eyes with mine, a beg coming from her,"You killed them! You monster! O'god!"

I do not understand how she had thought I been the one to complete such a horrific task, the blood splattered across my figure were from witnessing that hideous crime. I had tried to comfort her, but as I placed my blood filled hand on her, a terrible cry left those once admired heart shaped lips of hers which had made me close my eyes. She had tried to run out of my reach, but I was only wanting to comfort her, to explain that it was not me who had left those poor woman dead, but them themselves. They must've been angry, rage filled. Maybe even lustfiilled. I had gripped her so hard trying to get her to understand that not I had comitted those hatred deeds, but no one other than the devil himself. Soon, she went limp in my hands with red bloody hand prints around her neck. I am not sure as to who had been the one to hurt her in such an evil way, I had not seen at who the monster was. My eyes were closed, but now open as I hold her sweetly, her pink dotty lipstick now smeared down her neck and clavicle, her bejweled neck red and sulky.

I do not recall much of the actions that had occured after these crimes were done, but I am still walking along the stale road, the sun still scorching the brown land beneath it. My shoes click and clack against the rocks as they had done before, the sight of the last few hours have now been forgotten out of my mind, and I await the next thought to come to mind. As I was in thought, I had heard a small group of ladies, which had let me creep a smile onto my face.

It was my job to protect them from the evil that lurks along this dull road.

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