CH 7: Bad Blood, a Small Flashback

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All in all, Mariah didn't have the best first day at high school. The only subject that was giving her a hard time was social studies, but it didn't bother her too much. She shared her classes with Tyson and his teammates, and they were very friendly with her, but Mariah could not sit and chat long with them without seeing the question in their eyes. "What was wrong between you and Ray?"

 And Mariah wouldn't sit with them for lunch either, because Ray would skip sitting with his teammates then and she didn't want that to happen. Ray wouldn't even look at her, even though they shared the same sports club. Her only bright side of the day was finding a wonderful friend in Aubery. She was a highly spirited girl who had the power to brighten up anyone's day.

Aubrey was very perspective. "You seem really down Mariah, especially for someone who's starting highschool. Is everything all right?" She asked. Mariah mustered a brave smile, but still couldn't convince her. "Are you free now?" Aubrey asked instead as she locked her locker, which was located opposite to Mariah's. Mariah thought for a moment. It was Ray's turn to be helping Aunt Rosa today, they didn't have much homework either. "Yep", she replied. "Then let's go shopping to the plazas that opened a week ago, I heard the accessories there are very unique."she gushed. Mariah liked the idea very much, "Absolutely!" She confirmed immediately, happy for a get away.


Rather than buying things, Mariah was more interested in window shopping, trying out different accessories and dresses. She only bought herself a sweater. It was a lot colder in Japan than she had thought it would be. Aubery gave her a treat at a fast food restaurant, commemorating their new friendship. Mariah learnt that she was a professional swimmer. They exchanged stories, perspectives,  and what not. They parted ways at seven, and Mariah was in way better spirits than she had been the whole day. 

Until she felt his gaze on her. But Ray wasn't looking at her when she was turned towards him. He had somehow frustratingly mastered the art within moments after their fight. Even she couldn't catch him looking at her now, even though she knew that he was always looking at her when her wasn't.

He was cleaning up for the night, throwing away the wilted flowers and stem cuttings. Mariah quietly made for the stairs. "Aunt Rosa is out. I've prepared dinner. Heat it up and serve yourself." Mariah was frankly full, but she didn't want to upset Ray further. Mariah hmmm in response, looking meekly down. "Have you had your dinner?" She questioned instead, but Ray still wouldn't look at her. "Hmm" he replied, his jaw set sternly.

Realising this wasn't the day when they would reconcile, Mariah sulkily went up. After forcing down some dinner, which wasn't hard as Ray was a wonderful chef, she went to her room and got some homework done. After she was sure that both ray and aunt Rosa had turned into their rooms, she offed the lights and went to sleep. 


Ray remembered everything that happened that day like a movie. He had not been ready for the extra hotness he had received that day.

"Come on Mariah, it's getting late." he impatiently called out, glancing at his watch. It was already eight thirty in the morning. The taxi that was supposed to take them to the airport stood in front of their house.

And then, she made her appearance, and all the words died out in his mouth itself. She was dressed in a plain maroon dress, which hugged her curves and ended halfway down her thighs. She has a silver clutch in her hand and red feather hangings adorned her small ears. Her hair was tied in a high bun over which she wore a cream coloured hat.

It took a moment more before he gained control over his speech "Wow, Mer, you look absolutely gorgeous today. And your brother is absolutely not gonna approve of this... " he informed her, frowning.

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