CH 14: Losing Friends, Old and New

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Hillary had never thought she would ever consider partnering with Kai to be a blessing. Yet, it was the case when she had to compare him with none other than Cassadra. Biology had always been a fun class for Hillary, but sitting next to her, coming up with creative taunts anytime they spoke, took a bit of the joy away. She could do nothing but inwardly groan, wishing this class to end faster. The only thing keeping her sane there was Luke, who wasn't happy with his seating arrangement either.

Luke smiled quickly as he realised that she was seeing him again. Sitting next to him was none other than Kai himself. The strange quirkiness that sometimes took over Kai when she was around didn't seem to be applicable for others. Luke had been given the cold shoulder ever since they took their seats next to each other. And next to him, Kai was writing down something. Upon more minutes, she also realised whatever it was, it wasn't biology. Kai wasn't paying any attention to the class, and everyone except her seemed to have not noticed it. Which was strange, because Kai highly valued his academics. what on earth could be so important that it cold steal away his attention in class?

Thankfully, the bell actually rang after a few minutes. Hillary quickly got away from her place, having no intention on sitting there a second longer. Cassy must have had the same feeling, as she quickly took the spot next to Laura and started catching up. Hillary didn't understand, what was there to talk about when the two of them are practically attached to the hip!

She also waved Luke to go on without her. She meet him in a minute. And being the good girl she was, stood in front of Kai. The class was almost empty. Kai looked up as a shadow cast across his book, closing it immediately. "What?" he questioned rudely. Hillary felt offended at this, but reminded herself that it was Kai she was dealing with. "Would you want today's notes? I saw you weren't -- that you were rather busy with something else." She looked pointedly at the book. Surprise crossed across his features before he schooled back his expression. "No need. I have it all figured out." He said packing his bag. "But-" she started again, only to be cut off. "I just told you that I don't need you, now get off me!" He said before sidestepping her to get to the door.

Hillary felt crushed. All that...for this.? She felt an overwhelming  sense of betrayal, which was strange, as Kai was betraying no one. Why was she so eager to help him, especially when she knew he didn't like it? That was just who he was. She just kept being too blind to see it. A humourless laugh escaped her lips, stopping Kai in his tracks. Treacherous tears blinded her vision, yet she didn't dare blink them. She didn't want to give him the satisfaction of hurting her this easily.

Now, they were completely alone in the class now. "Funny of you mention that now. Shouldn't you have mentioned this a month before?" She was barely a feet away from him now. She whispered. "Especially, on one particular night when you lay in a pool of your own blood?" And slightly louder this time "Or maybe... The day after?" Her voice broke. Something akin to regret flashed across his face, but it was too late now. Hillary didn't pay it any attention as she moved past him to the door, banging it shut loudly behind her. She rushed out with no destination in mind. She wanted a moment to gather herself.

What she didn't realise was that they hadn't been as alone as she would have liked. Luke had been waiting for her outside and if she had looked his way, she would have found him looking like a deer caught in headlights. A loud smash, something akin to a punch to the wall was what got him moving before Kai caught him.


It had been a few hours since Luke eavesdroped on Hillary, and he still didn't know if he should talk to her about it. It was lunch break and their entire group was was fiercely discussing about the school elections. The results of round one were supposed to come out today, after lunch. Luke was obviously worried about it. Their house, Bellona, always had the highest competition. And only the top five, out of fifteen or so participants were going to be selected. The debate was mostly between Aubery and Andrew, while Aarushi mostly tried bringing the beybladers to the discussion. Hillary was just moving her food about her plate, looking quite dejected.

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