CH 18: A Party gone Wrong - Part 2

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Ray couldn't help but pace. He was in the dining room, waiting for Mariah to come back from the party, when Aunt Rosa found him. His aunt usually went to sleep early, but had gotten up to grabb herself a late night snack. "You are simply worryingly yourself darling. She must be coming home right now..." She said as she ate a spoonful of oats. Ray kind of ignored her. "Atleast sit down. You're making me nervous!" She admonished, sounding slightly exasperated. He begrudgingly relented, glancing at the clock. It was nearly 1.

He once again tried calling all of their numbers, even Mariah's. The only number which was still ringing was Zen's. This was one of those times that Ray could barely hold back cursing. He had been so clear. So, so, so clear that he wanted her back home by 12. He should have been more intimidating in front of Zen, should have given a threat or two. Then he wouldn't have been this negligent. Then, he would have bothered to pick up his phone. 

His aunt got up then "I'll go back to sleep then, it was a long day at the studio." "Hm", he murmured. "Get some sleep, Ray. You have school tomorrow!" She reminded him, patting him on the back, before leaving. His aunt found it sweet that he cared so much about Mariah. His aunt also found it funny that he and Mariah had been avoiding each other for nearly a month. "Ah.. Trouble in paradise, I see. It's all part of the package, I promise." She would say, sounding mischievous. But it was anything but that. 

He had lost his parents, his aunts and uncles, his clan was nearly forced into extinction, all of which had started as a terrible misunderstanding. And for a moment that day, when she had brought me and Lee at each others' throats, that was all he could think of. Mariah didn't know about all of it, and to be honest, neither did he. But he could vividly remember the small misunderstandings that led to the final break-up of his family. And he had panicked that there could be a repeat. 

Ray stood up abruptly when the clock stuck one. There was no way he could just sit there and think about the past while worrying about Mariah. He decided he'd rather go in and drag her home himself.


Zen Vincent woke up feeling like he had gotten one of his worst migraines ever. Except, this was a hundred times worse. The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't on his bed, which got him thinking. And then, everything crashed into his memory at the same time. He tried sitting up, only for the world to spin so fast and his head to hurt so bad that he sunk back again, only to hit his head harder.

Zen didn't know how long the pain took to pass, but he slowly moved his hands and legs, trying to find something or someone. He got hold of a fist-full of long hair. "Mariah, is that you? Isa?Isa?? " Please, someone wake up! " He croaked, only to not get any response from the two girls.
He steeled his nerves again, before trying to sit up this time, giving himself much more care and time. His balance was still off, but now he could see his surroundings much more clearly. They were in a narrow alley, where the lights from the main street barely reached them. He could roughly make out two other forms near him, but he didn't think that he had the strength to get to them.

It was then that he felt a buzz in pocket. Fumbling with his fingers, he removed his phone from his pocket. The glass was completely shattered. Yet, somehow he picked up the call, hoping that it was someone he could trust.


Ray couldn't believe that Zen finally picked up his cell. He had been about the end call when suddenly, the call connected. "Do you know what the hell the time is? I've been trying to reach you guys for hours now? Where the hell are you? And get Mariah on the call right now? Who-" He was raging full on, and would have continued to do so, if Zen hadn't interrupted him. "Ray? I-Is " he crocked, his voice barely audible through the phone. At once, Ray knew something had gone terribly wrong. "We um-got mugged-and I can't remember much much and-Mariah and Isa fought but then they injected something and they fell to the ground and now we're in some dark alley and I got up just now, can hardly move-head hurts-I can't reach the others- please get help! - I don't know if they're alive or not!" He slurred, finishing it all in one breath.

 Ray could hardly contain his panic as he nearly screamed into the phone "Where are you? What is the last place you remember seeing? Zen, talk to me!" "I-we were still far from station-I" His voice cut off then. Ray checked his phone, the call was still on. "Zen! Zen!!! Keep talking, please keep talking!" He pleaded into the phone, only to receive no response. He heard a faint sound, but he wasn't sure whether it was the sound of a breath or just static.


Isa panicked when she didn't know where she was, but only for a moment. "Isa! Thank god you're awake!" Ray said, coming in her line of vision. His eyes we're rimmed read, and he looked dead tired. She tried sitting up, only to feel dizzy, but she got herself in control. Ray came forward and helped her sit up. "How did you find us? Is everyone all right? Is-Is Zeze-Zen, is he all right?"

The look on Ray's face was all it took for the panic to set in again. "Where is he? Ray, tell me!!" Isa nearly screamed, drawing the attention of half the people in the room. "I'm sorry." Ray whispered, his eyes welling up with tears.

But what did he mean? It didn't matter. Zen, her little brother, what had happened to him? Was he alright? Was he al-. No, she even refused to think of it. She hurriedly got down the cot, for she was sure her brother was at the other side of the door, waiting to prank her. She didn't know how she did it, but for those few seconds, she had run faster than Ray. She distantly heard Ray calling for her, but none of it mattered. Only her and the doors and the righteous anger that was ready to burst out of her the moment she saw her Zeze. 

But there was no Zeze behind the door. She went for the next door, and the next one, next one. She momentarily glanced at a mirror, only for her to see a girl with shabby hair and a mad glint in the eye. She didn't realize that was how she looked at that moment.

It was at the lift that Ray finally caught her, because the bloody door wouldn't open! "Stop, Isa! Isa, look at me!" He hissed, holding her hands in one, and making her look in his eyes with another. "He's still in the ER. But it doesn't look good. He had lost a lot of blood by the time I got there. The doctors suspect a hemorrhage where he was hit.."

She didn't hear much after that. She must have screamed, for two nurses came running in her direction. Her energy had run out and reality slammed right into her face. Her legs must have collapsed beneath her, but Ray was there to catch her. Only then did tears start rolling down her face.


Words: 1295


A/N: This is my shortest chapter until now, but i really wanted to post it today as it's my bday today.... and there's really not much I can do here, so.... I hope you guys will enjoy it. Vote and comment whatever you think about it. Once again  sorry for the late update. Happy reading. 

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