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She went to the door thinking nothing of it .she tried to look through the peep whole but couldn't quite see who it was so she opened the door.
Joyce's face lit up it was just who she wanted to see
"Hi hop," she said smiling
"Your face-"
"It's a long story" hopper said not wanting to hurt her
"I know hop, he told me.. and I'm sorry,"
"No Joyce , you don't need to be sorry I'm sorry.. how long has this been going on?" He said looking down at her leg that now had a big blood blister from the lighter.
" I don't know... to long for me to remember really... but it's over now," she reassured him not wanting him to worry
"What's over?" Hop said not believing it could be true
"Me and him , our whole relationship was bullshit and I'm surprised I stayed for that long.. i shouldn't have stayed for that long"
"Oh wow ," "well how are you feeling?" He said
There was a pause as they looked each other in the eyes
"Safe," Joyce Said. Her mouth didn't move yet her eyes smiled. That was the answer he wanted and he has wanted it since day one.
" you know that lip could get infected I'll clear it up for ya if you want?" Joyce said swiftly breaking the eye contact
"Yeah that would be great thanks," he replied worried that she had become uncomfortable.
"Just take a Seat I'll be with you in a second!" She said rubbing his arm. He did as she said and sat on the sofa, she came back to him holding a mini first aid kit.
"Wow Joyce Horowitz, always prepared" hop chuckled .
"Well I can certainly say that if I was always prepared I don't think any of this would of happened," she replied in a sarcastic tone. He loved it when she did that, talked in that tone , mocked him something about it just made him feel something. She started searching round the little red box and eventually pulled out some cotton swabs and a little bottle of blue liquid. She removed the lid of the bottle with her teeth and dipped the cotton swab inside , she then started gently swiping it across his lip staring whilst he was wincing at the pain. "You good hop?" She said forcing down her laugh.
" I'm great but what is it about this you find comical?" He said smiling but genuinely confused
"It's just cute that you can break a boys nose and then make a fuss about a little bit of anti-bac," she said in that same tone
"Ok I'm not making a fuss!" He said as she put everything back in the first aid box
"Oh no obviously you have something in your eye right mr macho man" she said laughing to herself still staring at him
"You gonna try and stop me?"
"Well I don't know how could I?" He said with his eyes locking with hers
"I have an idea..." she whispered.
He swiped her hair behind her ear as she wrapped her arm around his neck and slowly ended up shuffling closer to him. By the time she got close enough he pulled her right up close to him by her lower back yet they still hadn't broken eye contact. But then it broke when they both closed there eyes and leant in. They ended up kissing for several minutes and then just sunk into each other's arms. They truly did love each other.

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