What is done

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Outside the city, two elves crouched on a large branch, looking at the castle in the distance. "They'll be on lookout for us now." Runaan says "Five of us won't be enough. We need all six!" an assassin says with doubt in his eyes as Runaan looks at him and says "We'll be stronger as five." as the remaining four sat below them sharpening and inspecting their weapons with it clear that they were isolating themselves from the youngest, who was sitting on the ground looking at her blade as she then glanced at one of her fellow moonshadow elves and asks "Hey, can I borrow your sharpener thingy?" as the other elf looks at her and says "Whetstone."

"Yeah, that." Rayla says "No." the other elf replies as Rayla than turns away from them knowing that her actions had done more harm then it had good. After a bit, Runaan and the other elf jumped down from the tree tops and land near Rayla "Come with me." Runaan orders sternly with hurt and betrayal still in his eyes, as he walked off, leaving no room to argue as she followed him with her head down.

(with Callum)

"Ezran, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said what I said. I'm sure everything's gonna be fine. Come on. Later you can call me a jerkface, and I'll do the crazy jerkface dance for you. It is a dance of stupitude and sorry-ness. Okay, well, I'm going to grab some books for our trip. We don't have much time so, I'll be back to help you pack in a few." Callum says as he grabs his bag and walks off.

(With Rayla and Runaan)

Once far away from the others as Runaan releases a breathe while his hands are still clenched into fists as he says "I thought you could do it, Rayla, but I was wrong." "You're not wrong. I can do it." Rayla says "I know you've never taken before. I brought you because you're talented. Maybe the fastest and strongest of any of us... but it takes more than that. There's an instinct. A moment of truth. And in that moment, you hesitate." Runaan says "I won't hesitate again." Rayla says while trying to stay determined "You will... I see now that you're still just a child. Your heart isn't hard enough to do whatever it takes." Runaan says "I messed up. I know I did. Because I let that human go, we're all danger. But that's why you have to let me make it right." Rayla says.

"No, it's too late for that." Runaan says "I bound myself, my heart for-" Rayla snaps as she reaches for her blades as Runaan grabs her wrists before she could draw them and says "You'll be unbound when the job is done. Your role now is to stay out of the way." as he forces her to sit down on a rock near them "You will wait here, quietly. If we're not back by sunrise, go home." Runaan says as he then walks off.

While hanging her head in defeat, Rayla glances up at the castle in the distance as her determination as she then stands up and says "I can fix this." as she runs towards the castle using the trees for cover.

(With Callum)

While walking through the library, Callum finds a book titled "Lost Secrets of Xadia" as he then sets the book on the ground and opens it up as one of the pages then moves as a few more pages then move as well as Callum doesn't even move. "Aspiro." Claudia says as she blows the book away, walks over and says "I was I kind of hoping for a bit of a reaction on that. Considering the fact that you also know a bit of magic, I'm not surprised I didn't get even the slightest reaction out of you." "It's cool that you can do things like that." Callum says "Nah, it's just a simple wind breathe rune." Claudia says as she forms the sign for aspiro and says "Aspiro." as she then blows in Callum's face. "Can you smell the peanut butter?" Claudia asks "Oh, yeah." Callum says "See this? It's a primal stone. It uses magical energy from one of the six primal sources. Look." Claudia says as she lets Callum take the primal stone out of her hands "That's incredible." Callum says as he hands the stone back as Claudia then taps her nose and points at him before running off, as he then does the same thing and says "I do not understand girls."

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