The Princess and the Baker's Daughter

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Author's Note: This story was inspired by a random dream i had a few nights ago! So I'll be replacing myself with Marinette! And Marinette is wearing a blue and yellow dress. Keep that in mind! Okay? I think those are the only changes! Let's go!

Me. Bustier had the great idea to take the entire class on a fun class outing because oddly enough, her class had all passed their mock exams! So the whole class was going to go to Disneyland Paris for the school day! But little did the teens know that they were going to have a very drama filled day!

So the class gets off the bus slightly annoyed from the 2 hour bus drive, but also excited for the day to come. Once the teacher gave them their instructions, they were allowed to travel the park, but not alone, for the rest of the morning, and then the class would meet up again for lunch.

The class disbursed, leaving the iconic four, AKA Marinette, Alya, Nino, and Adrien. They all chose to stick together instead of splitting up into pairs in case they got lost.

The 4 teens were all having fun and walking around together, when a little girl walked up to Marinette, and tugged on her skirt.

"Oh! Hello little one! Can I help you?" Marinette asks, looking concerned for the little girl, and started looking around for the girl's parents.

The little girl was bouncing up and down, in excitement. "Hi Snow White! Could you sign my autograph book please?" The bluenette looked around, trying to find the girl's mom, while her friends are gasping.

Alya was the first to speak. "Girl, do you, like, work at Disneyland? Is that why you disappear super often?"

Marinette didn't know what to do in her head. 'Okay,' she thought 'first deal with the girl, then with Alya!'

She put on a high pitched, sweet voice and spoke to the girl. "I would love to, but I must get back to the castle, so I can see my Prince Charming. Would you like me to help you find your parents?" The girl nodded, a little disappointed, but believing the magic, grabbed Marinette's hand, and dragged her over to where the girl's parents were standing and watching.

"Goodbye little princess! Have a magical day, and don't take apples from strangers" Marinette waved goodbye, and the girl giggled, and waved back.

Marinette walked back to her friends, ready to have to give a really good explanation. But then, she thought as she approached them, it'll give me an excuse to be Ladybug! On second thought, I'll stick with it!

"So?" Alya asked as soon as Marinette got back to her friends. "Are you going to tell us the truth, or what?"

Marinette sighed dramatically. "Fine, I do work here, but I swear, none of you can tell anyone, and I mean NO ONE! I could get fired if you tell anyone! Okay? This is a dress I designed myself, but it's themed by Snow White's dress. So yeah! We can't tell anyone, so that we can keep the magic as much as possible, which is why I was lying about where I went. So please don't tell anyone! I need all of you to promise!"

Nino and Alya both nodded, and Adrien zipped his lips closed dramatically like the overdramatic person he is!

"Thank you. Now, can we go back to the class? Our time is almost up, and I'm hungry!"

All four friends laughed as they walked to the class's meeting place. No one said a word about Marinette's encounter with the little girl, and Marinette cheered in her head for her quick thinking as they walked off into the magic place that is Disney

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