Mortal Pet. Immortal Master. 24

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Ayesha’s P.O.V:

I sat there, heart pounding, breath coming in short, harsh gasps. The whole room felt like it was closing in around me, like it wanted to squeeze the life out of me, crushing my chest with its stone walls.

Placing a hand on my beating heart I felt scared, terrified, resigned, I could basically feel the rooms animosity towards me. Their jealousy was stifling, making it hard to think, to feel, to focus on what was being said.

“You’ll be fine, Ayesha,” said Ryan, his usually calming voice not helping in the slightest. “It’s not that bad, I promise you.” Looking up into his eyes, the absolute – albeit terrifying truth – resounded back at me. Taking in a gulp full of fresh, breathable air I placed my hand in his.

It was so primal, so unsophisticated, the way in which a wedding ceremony was held. The ‘father’ was supposed to give away his ‘sacrifice’ in order to save his village from the ‘monster’. I could not help but believe this to ring truer than anyone else thought.

The old symbolic festival of giving a young human innocent to the dark monster was, well, scaring me. I did not want to be a sacrifice. Let alone to my ma– Aaron.

Pulling me up, out of my chair, Ryan lead me through the halls, down a stair case and into the main dining hall. Talking the whole way there.

I heard nothing, my mind still reeling with information, still tittering dangerously close to the edge. It seemed impossible, incredible that I was to be wed. To him, to a monster, I the innocent sacrifice.

What must I have done to deserve this?

Walking numbly, Ryan’s hand guiding me the whole way, I reflected on everything. The past few days, my early years, my whole history as me. Ayesha Thorne. Yes, it is true – I know my last name, just not my first.

I was born, the 16 years ago, Sirso the 16th. The day the war broke out, the day the humans were crushed. The day my parents died. That is all I know, all I remember hearing from the guards, all I remember being told by Ryan. That was me.

I remember my childhood years, although blurred and fuzzy I still remember them. Chained to a wall, a ferrel vampire beside me, threatening to bite me and suck me dry, threatening to hurt me. At the time I did not know what was going on, I was a child. A baby.

All I knew was that I did not like it there.

The woman that I was supposed to call my surrogate mother used to beat me when I cried, shook me when I demanded food and threatened to break my neck if I ever woke her up during the night.

Of course I did all those things, I could not help it. I didn’t understand.

When, the year old baby that I was, she came into my cell one night, ready to cut my throat the vampire next to me, chained to the other wall broke free and tackled the woman for me.

Back then I thought it was for good, that he saved me. But after he bit his teeth in I knew, I knew that I would have to face this pain for the rest of my years.

Growing up, still with the vampire who saved me as a young baby, I learnt lots of things, my last name, how to speak, what he was. And most importantly what had happened.

The story of a man, named Richard and his wife Emma. Emma had died giving childbirth to her daughter, or so they say. Richard, devastated and lost blamed the vampires, he thought – after seeing all the blood – that they had done it. So, with power and a lot of money he marched his army to the vampire house next door.

Killed the lot of them.

He moved to the next house.

And the next.

Before finally his army was attacked by rouge vampires. Sent by the king who, at the time, was still grieving over the loss of his wife oh so many years ago. The king who had died recently.

He decided he had had enough of the insolent humans behaviour and decided to crush the whole race. The whole race to serve him, and any traitors too. He introduce the first ever working ‘prima race’. Where, all other races, besides his own, would have complete and utter control over the humans.

Not many knew why he acted so harshly, until later on.

Apparently Richard and his army had knocked down his late wife’s house. He was furious. The humans of course heard the new law and acted, positions were offered for any that wanted to fight and fight they did.

It was bloody, brutal and short – at least.

Vampires vs humans. It’s not a surprise who won, really.

Enough of that, so anyway, the rest of the humans were taken into captivity, any that resisted were killed, any vampires that were traitors or helped the humans, were imprisoned as well.

Massive global camps were set up, everyone accounted for, everyone recorded and documented. Except me.

Now throughout my childhood years I imagined my parents, happy laughing couple, sitting by a tree, near a lake possibly – all from my imagination. And, of course, the description from the vampire – Ryan.

About the time I was five I had truly seen everything. I had heard a girl get raped by a guard, I had heard her scream out for help. I had heard the people get beaten up, I felt the blows myself. I felt Ryan’s hunger, his lusting for my life essence. I saw the way in which a society had crumbled, had degraded itself.

I was scared.

When I was 9, my first auction. I remember the woman coming in to grab me by the arm, her fingers digging in, I remember the way she stared at me, her icy cold glare threatening to cut me.

The way she told me to strip, the cool calculating menace in her voice chilled me. The way she smirked, her eyes revealing in how much pain and humiliation she could inflict upon one such as me.

I remember the way she slapped my face, hard enough that I ended up on the floor, just so she could show that she had power over me. Just so she could show that she was boss.

Yanking me back up she roughly pushed me onto the platform, through a heavy curtain and onto a stage. Lights blinded my eyes, the white light unfamiliar with my usual darkness.

“We have a fine specimen here, fresh off the market, just turned nine.” I heard a groan in the crowed at that. “Number 79 is up for sale for... 500 dollars.” I heard a man yell.

My eyes slowly recovering, the assault on them not so bad now. But I wish they had stayed shut, I wished I had never seen these people. Their dead lifeless eyes staring up at me with pity.

They pitied me? The fact shook me. Maybe I did not know then what I was to be sold as, maybe back then I had just realised what it was I was going to be used for.

Until later on that is. I knew, Ryan told me.

Feeling a little squeeze on my hands I turned to see Ryan, his eyes glassy as he looked at me. I could feel his emotions, his sadness, his happiness, his protectiveness, his overall love for me.

“I’ll be fine,” I whispered, not sure whether I would be or not. “I love you.”

“I love you too,” he chocked out. “You have to promise.”

“I promise.”

“That you will tell me everything, now. Right now.”

Gasping, I pulled my hand out of his.

What did he mean?

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