Mortal Pet. Immortal Master. 10

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When I arrived at Jakes room I could see him sitting on his bed reading a book on human studies – my best friend was a nerd. When I knocked on the door he threw me a sideways glance and let out a sigh.

“What now?” He said, clearly exasperated.

“I just wanted to say sorry.” I said in defeat, putting my hands up as if surrendering.

A smile reached his face. “I knew you would.” Jake put the book down, after checking the page number first and got up. “Do you need anything else? Cause if you don’t I’m kicking you out.” He said a smile still on his face, showing he was just joking around.

“Yeah there is actually,” I admitted. “I kinda did something. Something to Ayesha and I knew she was scared but I couldn’t stop myself.”

Jake sighed, “You kissed her didn’t you? Jesus, Aaron, you know sometimes you’ve got to think before you act.” He scolded me. I thought about Ayesha, she was probably curled up in bed still too scared to move encase I will hurt her. I was truly trying to make things better for her but.... sometimes I just couldn’t help myself.

“Well, you can’t change the past,” I said bitterly. “So what do humans like to do?” I asked him, nodding towards the book lying on his bed.

“If you’re thinking of taking her out... take her to the beach. I’m sure she would love that.” Jake said, “Humans love the water, or so I’ve read.”

I smiled at him and raced up the stairs, Hearing voices I stopped outside the door.

Ayesha’s P.O.V

I could hear the doorknob turning, thinking it was my master, I froze but instead a very pretty girl came into the room. Upon seeing me she smiled, I should have been comforted but her smile was not very nice. She came up to me and I shrunk back into the sheets, where moments ago I was trapped.

“Well, well, well what do we have here?” She asked. Her fingers clenching and unclenching as she spoke. “Who are you? A slave? A princess? An idiot?” She asked, but I couldn’t answer. I had no idea what she was talking about.

“ANSWER ME GIRL!” She shouted, I flinched away. She came closer and closer until she was standing next to me and beside the bed. She grabbed my hand and squeezed it so tightly it felt as if it was going to snap in half.

“Stupid, ugly human. Tell me.” She demanded. I shut my eyes hoping to shut the pain out, but I couldn’t. She let out a laugh, “I think I know who you are now. But how can anyone be so ugly and still keep the job?” she mumbled to herself.

I opened my eyes and looked up at her, she was perfect in every way. Her hair was a rich chocolate brown, shiny and curled in around her face – I had straight boring hair that was probably not shiny. Her lips were full and a bright red looking colour – mine were a light pink and thin. She had beautiful brown eyes and rosy cheek – my eyes were a murky green and my cheeks were always blotchy from crying. I was ugly, worthless, weak, stupid and unlovable.

The look in her eyes made me quiver in fear at what she would do next, would she hit me for ignoring her or would she whip me or chain me to a post and punch me whenever she felt the need to. I suppose I deserve it, if I wasn’t so stupid I might’ve been able to understand her and I would be able to answer.

“I-I-I d-do-don’t kno-ow what y-y-you mean.” I said, my voice almost a sob. The pain in my arm was now unbearable. She smirked when a tear came down my face.

I heard the door open behind me but I didn’t want to turn encase she got me while I was not looking, but nothing came. Instead she let go of me and walked around the bed to the door. I let the tears flow now, cradling my arm to my chest, a bruise was already starting to show. I closed my eyes and tried to think of a better place – one where I was pretty and brave – inside the book my master read to me.

Aaron’s P.O.V

When I opened the door I saw something I did not wish to see, my Ayesha getting hurt by another. I was fuming by the time she noticed me and when she did boy oh boy did she look scared, letting go of Ayesha’s hand she walked out the door.

I saw Ayesha cry, cradling her arm to her fragile heart, and I couldn’t help but wrap my arms around her from behind. She tensed, her breathing quickening and her eyes clamped shut. I sighed into her ear, placing her gently on my lap I whispered. “It’s alright, she’s gone and I won’t hurt you.”

She didn’t trust me, with good reason, but it still hurt. I had to distract her, “Hey, sweetie, would you like to go to the beach?” I asked, my tone considerably lighter. I turned her around to face me, baking away so as not to scare her.

She looked confused her green eyes looking down at the mattress. I could still see the tears on the side of her face, but I tried not to get enraged at the thought. She opened her mouth to say something but she shut it again. I placed my finger under her chin, gently lifting her face. Once she was staring into my eyes I let go.

Green swirls mingled with fear and helplessness, a sea of shame washed over me. Of course she wouldn’t like the close proximity. I moved away even more.

“I’ll get Jake for you.” I said, despite how much it killed me to say those words I called Jake. Unsurprisingly he came running into the room, his eyes searching franticly for Ayesha.

“Is she okay?” He asked, still frantic.

“Yes, she’s fine. I... I just need your help. She won’t speak to me.” I confessed, Jake looked relieved yet very confused.

“And you think I can get her to speak?” He asked rhetorically.

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