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The Elder jolted standing up making Mrs. Kim and Jeon worried as they were in the living room talking with him when suddenly he grunted in pain.

"Oh god are you okay?"

"I am calling doct-" Before Mrs. Kim could complete his words Elder stopped her with her hands motioning her to wait.

"Do-Don't call doctor, Its not some illness. I, I felt a sudden energy, as if it had been locked since years. Its really strong, and, I can't define. I could feel the dark energy mixed with pure energy, that's impossible."

"What's impossible?" They all snapped their heads towards the door to see the three boys coming in, that was when they noticed the weather outside.

"What happened to the weather?" Mrs. Jeon asked looking outside concerned as Parks were coming for dinner tonight.

"Its suddenly weird like its chilly, windy and hot too." They all frowned at Tae's description of the wedding and turned on the T.V to see the weather broadcast.

Even on the news, everyone's was stunned at the sudden weather changing, but in midst of all these things, something caught Elder's eyes.

"Boys, what's that on your arm?" The three looked at their arms and gasped to see some marking there. As if they were branded and the mark was fresh and a bit hot, almost as if cooling down.

"We don't know, it was not there in morning, shit! Its hot!" Jimin exclaimed touching it, and seeing their mother duckling doing something, the ducklings made sure to do the same.

"Holy fuck it is!"


Listening their whimpering Mrs. Jeon went in to bring some ice cubes for their burns.

"What happened earlier?" Elder asked with all seriousness facing the boys who were now rubbing some ice cubes on the marks.

"Well, we went to mall, a commotion happened as we met a group of boys, well we became a bit, not a bit, a lot raged actually, then the sudden weather changing that we didn't noticed that time. That's all." Jungkook explained to which Elder thoughtfully nodded.

"You all should go and get rest, your body must be exhausted." The three nodded at Elders words and took their leave.

"What are you thinking Elder?" Mrs. Kim asked concerned for the boys when they were all alone.

"I don't know, Its getting complicated, I can't match the events with the prophecy. I don't even know what its first line means, if we go by its wordings, it means 10 people, but who are the ten? If we look around, I can only find three, then what about the next seven? If its related to elementals, then their should be only five."

Elder sighed holding his paining head, he can't catch a single clue by the prophecy.

"How about, we help them unlock it completely, so we will know which element is assigned to whom." Mrs. Kim suggested to which Elder nodded as her idea was correct.

"And what should we do for that?" Mrs. Jeon asked popping up from behind Mrs. Kim frightening the Elder.

"What triggers their anger?" 










"Aye chipmunk! Stop stuffing your mouth with chips leave some for me too!" Jimin yelled as he looked at Jungkook who was now trying to eat more faster as both Jimin and Tae were changing clothes.

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