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It was their first day, so all freshers were kept in the same room, for introduction and some instructions. It was good for them, they all were sitting together without worrying about each other when a group of four entered the class. Everyone fell silent cause right on the entrance one of them fell on face first, tripping over her own shoes.

"Jisoo!" The one with bangs called out as the other two picked the girl up, and smacked on her head instead of comforting her. After their own little bickering amongst themselves, they looked up at the class. Awkwardness floating in air as they quickly scurried towards the empty desk, right behind the trio who were gulping again and again so they don't laugh out loud.

"I guess everyone is settled?" The supervisor asked as she looked around at everyone then sighed nodding her head like she concluded this year would be more hustle than last year. She ruffled some papers before looking up and pointing to the very first girl at the corner. She had a baby pink lipstick, a gray hoodie with blue jeans. All in all, she was decent looking for educational premises. 

"Start introducing yourself." As the words left her lips, Jungkook's face drained out of all colours. Tae who was beside him saw this and snickered, poking Jimin to do the same.

"Don't worry Koo, just don't remember anything except your name." Jimin whispered which of course went deaf to Jungkook who was now gripping Tae's hand in a deadly hold but the latter didn't mind, instead he bumped his head on the shivering male's shoulder, assuring him silently.

Soon it was their row, and fortunately or unfortunately, it was Jungkook who was first. With a light squeeze of hands, he slipped it out of Tae's hold and stood up, throwing all the random thoughts in the back of his head so he doesn't slips them in between.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook. 18 year old, going to be 19 this year. Pursuing a degree in P.E."

 Many murmured at his introduction as he skipped his rank. Everyone knew announcing their rank is not mandatory but teachers included that in introduction, though none can force you to tell your rank.

It was Taehyung next, who was feeling a lot calm as the only point he was nervous about got cleared out by Jungkook.

"My name is Kim Taehyung. I am 18, soon to be 19. Majoring in business."

"I am Park Jimin. 20, soon to be 21. Pursuing B.C.A in dancing." 

Their row was over and now it was the second row, the girls behind them were the first one.

"My name is Kim Jennie. Majoring in business. 19. Beta." 

"Hi! I am Kim Jisoo, majoring in business. 19. Omega."

"My name is Lisa Manoban. Pursuing BCA in dance. 18. Beta."

"My name is Park Roseanne. I am majoring P.E. I am 20. Alpha." 

The introduction session went on for an hour, which eventually bored them out. Tae was threading his fingers through Jungkook's ripped jeans, even after getting scolded to not to do that by the owner itself, he continued to do that, pouting and trying to bite of Jimin's fingers whenever the boy will pull him back. 

"Tae! His jeans will get ripped more! And it's not even his, that's mine!" Jimin pleaded as he pulled Tae's hands back only to wince as the boy sunk his teeth on his small pretty fingers.

"Oh god! This puppy bites unnie!"

Silence. Utter silence on both sides as the three turned their heads towards the voice to see the girl, Jennie as she introduced herself frozen on her place with her finger pointing towards Tae. The other three girls were not able to move as well, as they gulped and pulled Jennie back bowing towards the boys.

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