Chapter 1 - Forbidden Crushes

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I walk down to Annie's house, the weight of my backpack slowing my pace.

"Good morning Miss Annabelle Sullivan!" I shout as I swing open the front door to her house.

"It's too early to be so loud." Annie grumbles, grabbing her bag off a kitchen stool.

I laugh and we walk a few blocks over to the Townsend house.

"Good morning Townsend family members!" I call out as I stroll through the front door, careful to make sure my sneakers don't have mud on them. Maddy would have my head on a silver platter if I accidentally tracked mud through her house.

"Hello Jessica and Annie! Do you girls want to grab a muffin? Katie and Kyle made them last night." Maddy offers, greeting us with a plate of blueberry muffins.

"Don't mind if I do. Thank you!" I say plucking one from the plate and taking a bite.

"Delicious." I smile as Katie runs down the staircase.

"Hey Katie!" Annie laughs as Katie runs into her arms.

"Why are you the favourite?" I grumble quietly as Annie smiles.

"She doesn't have favourites."

"Do you want a muffin? I made them!" Katie asks Annie excitedly.

"I would love one!" Annie says, Katie skipping off to retrieve a muffin for her, seemingly unaware of my presence beside Annie.

"No favouritism my ass." I mutter, making Annie laugh.

We watch as Ty descends the stairs, the same as always, his sandy blonde hair slightly messy, wearing a dull red t-shirt and jeans.

"Is it just me or is it does it feel earlier today?" Ty asks, his backpack slung over one shoulder.

"It is the same time we go to school everyday. It's just that someone stayed up all night chatting with the stupid jock we know." I say to Annie who blushes slightly.

"Hey!" Ty yells out, rushing down the stairs.

"I'm the responsible one for turning my phone off at a reasonable hour, unlike you lot." I say, Ty resting an arm on mine and Annie's shoulders.

For some odd reason the touch sends a shiver down my spine and it feels like every hair on my body is standing up straight.

"Ready to fail an algebra test?" I ask, my question met with a string of curse words and groans of annoyance.


The day flies past. I am completely certain I failed my algebra test earlier today, but I am confident about my essay for history about the Industrial Revolution.

"Hello again my friend." I drape my arm across Ty's shoulder.

"Go away, I'm cool. I can't be seen hanging out with such a loser." Ty jokes, shoving my arm away.

I stick my tongue out in response.

"Very grown-up." Annie laughs, looping her arm in mine.

"See! She isn't embarrassed to be seen with me." I declare.

"She's also not embarrassed to get shit-face drunk, right Annie?" A random guy from our year level laughs as he walks past.

"Wanna say that again?" Ty calls out, striding towards the guy. Annie quickly darts infront of him, laying her hand on his chest. His eyes stay glued to the guy, but he stops moving.

"Not worth getting suspended." She whispers softly.

"I know." Ty sighs as we all start walking across the school.

"Thank you for standing up for me." She smiles weakly up at him.

The perfect picture of highschool sweethearts. If only the idiot would wake up and realise she likes him.

"If only the school would forget that night. It would save you from stuff like that." Ty grumbles, probably about to start a rant on privacy and kindness.

"If only I could forget that night." I can barely hear Annie's voice as she mumbles it under her breath.

I know the story of the night of the party. Annie got completely wasted. Ty helped her get home and she kissed him.

Later that night she sent him an embarrassing voice message.
The message eventually made its way around the school.

Annie has been struggling with the embarrassment and the jokes from our classmates ever since it happened.

I shoot Annie a sympathetic glance, as Ty starts his rant.

"Does this look like a TedTalk? Come on, let's keep things a bit lighter after I failed the test." I laugh, Ty cracking a smile and Annie casting me a grateful look.


I wake up in the early hours of the next morning, the haziness of sleep still draped over my eyes.

Fur brushes past my exposed ankle as I climb out of bed and find a fluffy ball of black fur, otherwise known as my cat Sushi.

"Hey buddy, what are you doing up so early?" I ask, picking him up in my arms and walking out to the kitchen.

My step-siblings had moved out years ago, and with my Dad away for work all the time, it's often just me and my step mum Jane.

Jane hates the morning and refuses to leave bed until the very last minute, so I don't often see much of her until I get home from school.

I pour myself a bowl of sugary cereal and place Sushi on the kitchen counter while I pour a glass of water.

"Not very talkative this morning, are we?" I ask as Sushi meows in response.

I fill his bowl with some dry cat food, and somehow thoughts of Ty infiltrate my mind.

His laugh echoes through my head, the response from a joke I told yesterday.

His smile, wide and beautiful. His gorgeous gaze, briefly meeting my own eyes.

"I'm so screwed." I laugh aloud quietly.

Hey guys,

I hope you enjoyed this introduction to Jessica, and her friendships with Annie and Ty.

Thank you to Takiya2003 for submitting your idea! Sorry it took me so long to write it!!!

I hope you have a lovely day where ever you are in the world! 🧡

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