Chapter 7 - Love Triangles Suck

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Half-way through lunch, and I have hardly said a word to anyone.

"Hey, Jess can you help me find something in my car? I just remembered my Dad needs it, and I want to know if I'm gonna have to leave early to buy a new one or not." Gabe says, barely waiting for a response before he pulls me to my feet and we walk out of Wharton's.

"What is going on? You've been off all day, and have barely uttered a sentence since we got here." Gabe asks, sincerity covering his normal laid-back joking atmosphere.

"I- I kissed Ty." I admit quietly.

"What?" I hear Annie whisper. I swing around to see her standing behind us.

"What are you doing out here?" I ask.

"You kissed Ty?" She asks, and I can see something break behind her eyes.

My eyes are glued to the ground. I cannot bear to see her hurt.

"I should go back inside. Let me know when you want to go." I hear Gabe say.

I can't speak.

"So now you're not talking to me? That's childish and you know it." Her voice is as strong as a knife, stabbing into my heart over and over.

So I let it all fall out.

I do not spare a detail. I tell her about everything. I don't dare look at her eyes, until I have said it all, because I know I would loose any confidence left in me.

She is silent. Completely quiet. She is crying.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asks, her voice shattered, sharp edged.

"Because... you love him. I know you do. You have for years." I say.

I watch her take a deep breath. Once, twice, three times. Until her tears have dried. Until she appears calm.

"It just hurts that you didn't feel like you could tell me. I've been your best friend for years." Annie says, as I see that keeping the truth from her has hurt her more than the actual truth.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want you to hate me." I admit, feeling foolish.

"Hate you? I could never, ever hate you. You're my best friend." She smiles, pulling me into a tight hug.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." Annie replies.

"And since Ty had no interest in me, I think you should go for it. Tell him you like him. There is no point in waiting years for him to love you back." She says, holding my hand in hers.

"You're kidding, right?" I laugh, shaking my head.

"How are both of you this blind? Ty loves you." I exclaim, as I hear the door to Wharton's open.

Suddenly the moment clicks into place. I remember that we are in the carpark for Wharton's, and not in our own little bubble.

And we are no longer alone.

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