Chapter 6 - Ticking Time-Bomb

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I spend the weekend cancelling my plans with Annie by using dumb excuses, and repeatedly checking to see if Ty has texted me, which he has not.

"What's so interesting on your phone, that you aren't watching your favourite show?" Jane asks, as she pauses the TV.

Her sleek black hair is tied in a low bun, and she wears a purple hoodie and sweatpants, that she changed into after picking up Indian food on the way home.

"Is everything okay, honey?" She asks, reaching a hand up to my cheek.

I'd like to say yes, but she would instantly know I was lying.

"Well... not really. There's just been a lot of changes lately with my friends, and I don't think I'm handling it too well." I start speaking, and soon I tell her everything. I blurt out all about my feelings for Ty, and how I'm avoiding Annie because I kissed Ty. I tell her everything, and until I am done she doesn't say a word.

"Okay. What I would advise, is telling Annie. Right now she is probably feeling like you are abandoning her without any explanation. Trust me, it is much better if she hears about this from you now, than someone else later after you've hidden this from her. And you need to talk to Ty. It's wrong of him not to be talking to you, but unfortunately you need to be the bigger person in this situation or nothing will happen." Jane says as she combs her hand through my hair.

"I know." I sigh as I cuddle up to her, Sushi sitting on our laps, as we turn the TV back on, and laugh at all the same jokes we've been laughing at every time we rewatch it.


My phone ringing wakes me up from my reality show fixation, as I accept the call.

"Hey Miss Jessica, are you busy right now?" I hear Gabe ask as I turn off the TV.

"Not really." I reply.

"Good. You've got two minutes to grab your stuff and then we are meeting everyone at the movies. See you soon, bye." Gabe hangs up before I can argue.

I quickly change into light blue jeans and a red blouse, throwing my phone, wallet and a jacket into a back pack as I wrangle my hair into a black headband.

Quickly grabbing my keys, I write a quick note in case Jane comes home early, before walking out of the house and spotting Gabe parked out front.

"You were very sure of yourself. What would you do if I had said 'no way in hell', and hung up on you?" I ask as I get in the passenger seat after locking the door.

"Well, I didn't exactly have a plan b, so I am lucky that you decided to grace us with your presence." Gabe smirks.


This is hell.

I am stuck in the lobby of a cinema, and Annie is standing right in front of me. And I feel awful.

She has been in love with Ty for years and I have a crush on him for a minute and betray her trust by kissing him.

I want to break down on the carpet and beg for forgiveness, though that may be a tad dramatic.

"Hey! Where were you this weekend?" Annie asks as she goes in to hug me.

"Sorry, just felt off." I lie as I rest in her arms, my head on her shoulder. She always gives the best hugs.

"Are you okay?" She asks softly.

"I'm okay, promise." I say as she gives me a quick squeeze before stepping away.

I wonder if anyone else can hear the guilt building up in my stomach.

"Ty just texted to say Kyle and him are running late, and to just go inside." Gabe says as I notice Lily and Simon ordering drinks and popcorn at the counter.

"Hey Jessie!" Luke says as he hugs me, spinning me around in his arms.

"Luke!" I laugh, getting dizzy.

"Ready to go see a crap movie." Luke says letting me go.

"Hey! Remember, no negativity till we've seen it." Annie smiles, linking arms with Lily and I, as we all walk into the theatre.


The lights have gone out by the time Ty arrives. Thankfully Ty and Kyle are seated on the opposite end of the aisle than me.

As the movie goes on I steal a glance over at him, and watch him for a few seconds before he meets my eyes.

I look at the screen for the rest of the movie, not daring to move my eyes.


"Now that was crap." Luke says as we walk into the car park.

"Agreed." Annie admits. I stay far away from Ty.

"Wanna go to Wharton's? Turn this afternoon around." Luke asks.

"You cool with going?" Gabe asks me quietly. I quickly nod, painting on a smile.

"We're in." Gabe says, as I watch Ty turn around a little bit. Something I've seen before when he looks at Jackson colours his cheeks.


I almost laugh at the thought.

"Yeah, sounds nice." Annie agrees, as Lily nods along.

"I can stay for a bit." Simon smiles, pulling out his car keys.

"Cool, meet you guys there." Luke smiles, sauntering off to his car.

"Lets do it." Gabe smirks, as I walk towards his car, refusing to look back at Ty.


Maybe I overreacted earlier. This feels like hell. Ty and Kyle are the only ones here so far.

"You've got to be joking." I whisper as I walk into Wharton's with Gabe.

"Go to the bathroom for a couple minutes, everyone else will be right behind us. I'll cover for you." Gabe smiles.

"Thank you so much." I say, grabbing his hand and squeezing it. "You're the best."

"I know." He laughs, walking over to the booth Kyle and Ty have grabbed.

As I hide out in the bathroom, I cant help but feel a little cowardly.

After a few minutes of trying to figure out if I could climb out of the tiny window in the bathroom, I take a deep breath, look into the mirror and whisper to myself, "You can do this. It's just lunch."

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