you got us detention you idiot!

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I woke up and went to have a shower and put on:

then went down stairs and grabbed my bag and a piece of toast to eat on the way to school

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then went down stairs and grabbed my bag and a piece of toast to eat on the way to school. I walked to Gwen's house and knocked on the door like every morning so we can walk to school. "Hi y/n!" "Hey!" We walk to school together then say bye and we both go to get our stuff out of our lockers.

Someone pins you up against the locker. "Let me go Vance." "no" *punches you in the stomach*" "stop it-" *punches you again in the face and stomach then drops you on the floor and walks away* "*wimpers* wtf was that for- " "*runs over to you* y/n are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine Finney." "You don't seem fine c'mon let's go and I'll clean you up" "okay"
We got to the bathroom and I get all cleaned up then I head to class. I sit down in my seat and the lesson had been going for about 20 mins when vance bursts through the doors."Vance your late" "yeah yeah whatever"*sits down next to me* I was trying to ignore him but he kept bothering me and saying my name repetitively.

(Y= y/n . V= vance . T= teacher)

Y:"What do you want? Your gonna get us in trouble!" I say trying to wisper. V:"Oh nothing I just want to annoy you"
T: "stop talking please"
Y "shut up vance your getting us in trouble"
V"why , because your to much of a 'goody two shoes' to get introuble"
T: "i said be quiet. If I tell you again you will have detention"
Y: "shut up vance!"
V: "no I will not shut up you bitch"
T: "that's it. Both of you have detention"
Y: *flips him off* "fuck you"
T: "I said that's enough both of you!"

Bell goes of signalling class is over. I pack up my stuff and leave , pissed of Vance got us detention.

*Arfter school finnishes*

Next part will be them in detention

(What do you think so far? Good?bad?eh?)

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