robin Arellano x male

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a/n: this is edited because someone did point out a error so I edited it :) another error :(


I wake up to Finney saying "come on Y/N time to get up, we are about to leave for school" I quickly get up and get dressed and get my bag and we end up leaving straight away. When we exit the house Finney and Gwen start having a conversation about Gwen liking someone i start thinking about random thing's when my thoughts are interrupted "it's new" I look confused till Gwen asks "what is?" "the poster, mr Yamada must be putting them up again" I frown and Gwen looks down and look's sad "you don't think they're gonna find him do you?" he asks Gwen "not how they want to" she said frowning.

*Time skip to when they arrive at school*

My thoughts are interrupted by people yelling I quickly look up to see people standing in circle yelling 'FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT' I'm curious to what's happening so I quickly run and see robin Arellano about to fight moose the dickhead of the school "you think your so tough huh?" moose say's "let's find out" I'm certain robin is gonna win this fight "I will pound you like a nail, you scrawny little be*ner" moose said, did he really just say the b slur? I'm sure robin might be pissed "then do it, unless you're scared" moose starts to think then takes the first swing robin quickly ducks and kicks moose into a pole then he continues to punch him over and over again till he get's knocked out. Finney quickly pulls Gwen and I away from the fight "what the hell? that was moose" "I don't care " "moose is a giant asshole" I finally say "I know" "but remember last year he made your nose bleed" I say "y/n" Gwen then speaks up "he had it coming" he looks a little shocked "no one has that coming" he say's "Finney he beat you up" "I know, Gwen I was there remember?" he pauses for a bit "I just don't want to talk about it..." I decide to say something "well, he was stupid to pick a fight with robin Arellano" Gwen finishes my sentence "he's the second toughest kid in school you know after pinball vance" i laugh a little at the name and finney just rolls his name. Finney and Gwen started talking back and forth so I kinda just went back to thinking about random things. Then we get into school so I say bye to Gwen and Finney and I have most of the same classes together so we just walk together to our lockers grab our book's and walk to class.

*time skip to after first session*

me and Finney quickly walk out of the classroom and we see the bully's "hey Finney and y/n" we  look at each other and quickly speed walk to the bathroom once we get there we both run to the stalls, I hear the bathroom door open and I just know we're screwed like really really screwed "come on out dickweads" we walk out of the stalls and back up against the wall so we are far away from them "what are you doing in our bathroom?" "yeah didn't you see the sign? it say's boys" "yeah boy's not f*gs" then once again I hear the bathroom door open and there in my friend/crush robin Arellano "dipshits, move" the bully's quickly move out of his way "hey Finn, hey y/n what's happening?" "you know, just keeping on and on, I guess" he just nods "moose got some damn sharp teeth, knuckles bled all first period" I just kinda nod, the bully's try and leave but robin stops them "wait" they stop in there tracks "fuck with them again, I fuck with you" they are frozen in place "you can leave now" robin said they quickly ran out of there "thank you" we say at the same time "you guys are gonna have to stand up for your selfs one day" we just nod "hey, why'd you fight moose?" I ask "he was shit talking" he looks at me and we all laugh "pretty sure he would back down, nope" we laugh more "I was so surprised when he swung to be honest" I smile and nod "hey I'm gonna go to my locker now, bye y/n, bye robin" we both say bye to him "I mean, did you have to fight him?" "I was just gonna knock his ass down, whale on him a bit" I nod "but that wouldn't draw no blood, and in that situation, the more blood, the better" I nod "for the crowd you know? makes a stronger point" "hey robin, could you teach me how to fight? I wanna learn so I can defend my self" he smiles and nods "yeah sure of course, do you want vance to help as well?" (vance didn't get taken) "yeah sure why not" "ok want to meet up tomorrow at Vance's place to train?" I nod "ok y/n see you tomorrow"

*the next day*

I'm currently deciding what to wear I need to wear something I can fight in but I want to look good especially if I'm seeing my crush today "hey y/n you have to leave in a minute to meet up with robin" Finney tells me "thank you Finney" I say smiling and quickly run out and start walking there I see a black van coming out of a street behind me and luckily I was at robins house cause he said I could just walk in so I quickly run into the house and lock it "robin I'm here" Robin tell's me to come to the backyard so I do "hey robin" he say's hi back "so you wanted to learn how to fight correct!" I nod "ok, so lets start with basic punching" we start to train I am actually good at punching "ok so now let's learn kicking ok?" "sure!" we do kicking and I'm getting really good honestly "ok you did those good now for the other ones you need to learn" we start to learn headlocks how to beat up people if they are holding you (like the vance hopper scene) "ok y/n, you are all set did you want to practice fight me?" Robin asks "sure, if that's ok robin?" "yeah that's fine" we start to fight and robin get's me onto the ground and I just realised how close we are I start to blush "hey y/n I have a question?" Robin asks me "what is it?" "Would it be ok if we kiss?" I'm a bit shocked but then I finally answer "yes that is fine" I say smiling we lean in and kiss, I'm kissing my crush I can't believe it we break apart and stay like that for a couple seconds we then quickly get up "will you be my boyfriend y/n?" "yes of course!" we then hug and kiss again.

1195 words

hey guy's did my first robin x male reader one shot so I'm kinda happy to publish this one it might be shit but yeah I might get another chapter out later

please leave requests and I will write them right away :)

I forgot to name this chapter and add a photo at the start but I just edited that sorry for the inconvenience.

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