Chapter 2

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Back with chapter 2. Hope you like it.(¯―¯٥)


*Akira's POV *

I was able to pass the exam to the academy and i heard that Kai-chan got in too. After that i waited for April to come and then it was finally April. I got dressed into the uniform and started to walk towards the entrance. Along the way i met Kai and we started to see the entrance after a few minutes of walking. Near the entrance i saw the girl we helped get into the academy to take the entrance exams.

I pointed her out to Kai and she said that we should greet her. I nodded and we walked over to her. I saw that she was with another girl with red hair. I then walked up to her and said," Hello! It's nice to see that you passed the exams. Oh by the way do you remember Kai and I?". " yes i remember you, your Akira right? I think you already know my name but i will repeat it. It's Nanami Haruka! This is my friend Tomo-chan". "Nice to meet you......T-Tomo-chan. it okay if i call you that?" "Yes...but in return i will get to call you Aki-chan...your really shy to other people aren't you?", she said. I nodded in agreement.

*Kai's POV* (will be short. Sorry)

Hmm......These new people are really nice. I think i can get along with them if Akira is getting close to them. I introduce myself to the the girl with red hair and also the one i helped. After that my mind started to wander around. I was thinking about the songs i would like to compose and later sing. I started to hum a melody in my mind, where i decided it will be a great song.

I was later snapped back into reality by Akira saying," Kai-chan...kai-chan! Why are you spacing out?". When i looked at her i say that she was pouting at me because she said something that i was supposed to hear. I apologized to her. After that i decided to listen to what they are saying instead if spacing out since i don't want to be interrupted again.

*Akira's POV *

I was going to ask something to Kai but when i asked her, i noticed that she was spaced out. Probably thinking of a new song to sing. Even though i should leave her alone, i didn't feel like doing that so i called out to her pouting,"Kai-chan...kai-chan! Why are you spacing out?" She apologized to me and i asked her the question again."Do you think we will get a new student even though we are new students? Do you also think he/she will be from another place or from here?"" There might be a chance where we will get a new student."

Suddenly someone bumped into me, making me fall down. "Oh my gosh! I am so sorry!"."No it's fine it was my fault i apologize for bumping into you." I saw a girl with really beautiful chocolate eyes. She had her long brown hair with baby-blue ends in a ponytail. I was staring at her for at least 2 minutes i think until i snapped back to reality." Oh! Umm......what's you name?""Oh! name is Sooyeon Park. I am a transfer student from Korea."Wow! That's so cool!". It really was cool, i hope i can become friends with her.

"Hey Soo-yeon do you know what other name we can call you?"." can call me melody if you want.". That's a nice nickname. " So should we start heading for the assembly. "Yeah", everyone answered in unison. So... we headed to the place where the assembly was held.
(I think it was called an assembly?)


Finally done! I hope you like this chapter, it might be short but oh well. Bye! (。>﹏

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