Chapter Fourteen: The Blood of the Fay

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Lola watched with concern as I paced back and forth, glancing up at the tower every so often. "They need to hurry up," I muttered grumpily. "We only have seven minutes left."

Sure enough, a loud screech radiated from the tower as Levi, Irenio, and Lumina finally took down the winged monster. Moments later, they landed from five feet above the ground, directly in front of me. Levi yelped in pain.

Realizing that he had been injured, I promptly summoned a bottle of antidote and gave it to him. After drinking it, he stood with the others and asked Lumina, "Where to next?"

"The ancient city of Galia," she responded.

"Then draw it out in your mind!" I ordered.

She hesitated. "But—"

"Just do it!" I shouted.

"The wards might kill you!"

"No, they will not!"

We all turned to identify the person who had spoken. There stood Lunara, Goddess of Love. She wore a sparkling, silver dress, a pair of silver slippers, and a silver tiara. A small, black raven was perched on her shoulder.

When she extended arm in blessing, the raven took flight, hovering above my head. "By the power of the love that you hold in your heart," she proclaimed, "I, Lunara, bless thee!"

The raven draped its shadow over me, while I let out a groan, "Does it have to be love? Why not 'darkness' or 'the supernatural?'"

"Because," Lunara replied, spreading her arms in a proud gesture, "love is the most powerful force of them all!" Once the raven returned to her shoulder, the goddess disappeared in a cluster of shadow. "Good luck!" her voice echoed. "Hail and farewell!"

Wasting no time, I turned to Lumina and repeated, "Draw it out in your mind for me!"

This time, she obeyed, and I immediately seized her thoughts. Once I had the information I needed, I manipulated the sound waves coming from my voice to say, "All of you, prepare yourselves!" Then, I draped the entire crowd in energy and teleported us straight to Galia.

* * *

We materialized in just the right spot.

Veronica stood ten feet in front of me, looking slightly different from before. She now had white wings, wore a golden dress and slippers, and was adorned with the jewelry of the Fay—in addition to a golden tiara on her head. Veronica's sisters were lined up in rows behind her like a battalion of soldiers, standing completely motionless. Meanwhile, Esther stood right beside her with her arms glued at her sides, also immobile.

At the sight of me, her face lit up with joy. "Cameron!" she gasped.

"Well, well!" Veronica laughed. "It seems our guests have arrived in time for the ceremony! I have been expecting them."

Esther turned her head to her eldest sister with pride. "See, Veronica? I told you he would come to rescue me."

Just then, thunder boomed overhead, causing Veronica to grin. "That may be so... but he is too late."

Stepping forward with the lyre in her raised hands, Lumina proclaimed, "I, Lumina, hereby—"

"Give me that," Veronica snapped, pointing her electrum scepter at the silver Maiden. Sure enough, Lumina walked over and handed the Great Faerie the Blessed Instrument. Then, the electrum dagger appeared in its wake. I thought about drawing my sword, but when Veronica pointed her scepter at Esther, Lumina moved in and held the dagger at her neck.

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