Chapter 5~

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Jamie's POV

Hey guys i know Dulcie wasn't born when Jamie and Dakota started filming :p So i hope you guys won't feel confused :) Enjoy~

As we walked towards Sam, she smiled at us warmly while i gave her a goofy grin. "So, are you guys ready?"

"Yep." I said while i stared at Dakota, she gave Sam a sweet smile and nodded.

"Great! Now...Here's your script Dakota" She hands the script to her while i waited patiently for them to discuss the scene. Sam handed me my script and i studied each and every word carefully...Hmm the interview scene...Thought it was the elevator...

"You don't have to read the whole thing Jamie, I'll tell you when to stop. Just try your best on showing Christian's emotions and personality." I nodded and took a deep breath while I tried my best on picturing Christian's face expressions, emotions and...Something stopped me. Dakota's laugh grabbed my attention, my eyes automatically darted towards the lovely sound. She kept giggling while Sam laughed with her. I smiled and just as I was about to look down her blue eyes caught mine...I thought she was going to blush again but instead she sticked her tongue at me. Hmm...Playful Dakota?

Instead of doing it back i made a pouty face. I expected her to laugh but her reaction made me regret what i just did, her expression looked like she was staring at a baby that made goo-goo eyes at her...Hmph! I almost forgot...I had a baby-face...She's probably mesmerised by my cuteness. I grunted in my mind, I was a bit annoyed when people always think I'm cute. I focused on my script while Sam came to me and smiled. "You ready Jamie?" "Yea let's do it!" I said while I chuckled.

After the scene ended Sam was very impressed, "Well done the both of you! Jamie you are perfect, I knew you were the one but too bad we had to take a pretty long time to find you!" She laughed. I smiled back and Dakota clapped, "Bravo! Bravo!" She started giggling again. Oh that lovely sound...

I went home feeling great, Amelia ran and jumped on me giving me a big bear hug. "So..." She looked at me waiting for the answer, "I did it!" I smiled widely and she jumped up again while laughing with joy. "I knew it! I mean why wouldn't you? Do you know how talented you are? So proud of you Jamie!" Her warm dark brown eyes stared deeply into mine. I grabbed her around the waist and kissed her hard. "So how were the people there? Were they nice?" I thought about Dakota, picturing her blue eyes while the sound of her giggling still floats in the back of my head, "You could say that."

I went to my room and changed into a simple black t-shirt, a sudden giggle stopped what I was doing. Turning around I saw Dulcie crawling to me, I went to her and picked her up while my lips kissed the crown of her head. "Missed you my princess." I murmured in her ear and she giggles again, I carried her out in the living room and sat on the sofa. Amelia came to me while she's holding two cups, "So who's your co-star?"

"Dakota." I said looking at her, she stared at me and smiled, "How is she?" Funny...Sexy...Amazing blue eyes...I don't know how to describe her..."She's very nice..." Amelia nodded and stared at Dulcie while she's deep in her thoughts. "So when are you going to see her again?" She said after the long silence. "Tomorrow, we kind of have to speed up the process since they've been trying so hard to find the right Christian Grey." I smiled, "I knew you would be the prefect one, you always are to me. Good luck Jamie."She came and sat next to me while her head is resting on my shoulder. Dulcie snuggled deeper against my chest and my arm wrapped around her protectively, I closed my eyes and rest with my beloved family.

To be continued~<3

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