chapter 1 (being re written)

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"Hey Ava you coming tonight?"
Stone asked

"What's tonight" Ava replied wiping down the counter of the cafe.

"Your coming over to meet the new singer, I told about this like 2 days ago!"

"Oh right um.. I'll see if Brian wants to go?" She sighed knowing her boyfriend Brian wouldn't be happy about this

"Don't you mean you gonna ask him if your aloud to go?" Stone laughed

"Excusr me Stone I'm a grown women I make my own decisions!"

"Ava you have to ask Brian any time you do anything"

"I know" she whispered looking down

Stone didn't mean to upset her. He reached across the counter and placed his hand over hers.

"Ava.. your not happy so why not leave Him?"

"I am happy.." She said not very confidently.

The truth was Ava was too scared of leaving Brian. He had a history of being abusive towards her. She was also certain that no one would ever want her.

"Cut it out I know when your lying"

"OK... I'm just... I can't leave him"

"Why" Stone asked

"I'm scared"


"I'm scared he's gonna beat the shit out of me and guilt trip me to stay like he last time"

"What?" Stone asks in a sturn voice

Avas heart began to race as she realised she had just him about Brian being abusive

"Forget it..." She whisperer

"He fucking hits you and you didn't tell anyone!?" He raised his voice

"Stone please keep this between us"

"Sorry Ava but in getting the guys and we are going to beat the shit out of him"

Ava grabbed his arm

"Stone please don't do this"

"Ok I won't beat him but you are breaking up with him today!"

"Stone I can-"

"What time does he get off work?"
He cuts her off


"OK you get off in like 10 minutes so that leaves us 2 hours to get your stuff and write him a letter so you don't have to talk to him. I have an extra room in my apartment you can move in, it will be fun and Jeff's apartment is down the hall so you will be close with all of us"

"Okay" she sighed

"Okay?" Stone asked

"Yes I want to get away from this" she said rolling up her sleeve to show Stone her bruises. There were also marks from where Brian had put out his cigarette on her skin"

"Come here" He said pulling her into a hug
No wonder she never wears t-shirts he thought

"Let's go" she said quietly

They then made there way to Stone car and drove to Brian's apartment.


"Okay we have everything packed so now you need to write the letter"

"What do I even say?

"Just explained that you left and your not coming back."

"Okay I can do this" she whispered

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