Chapter Three: Yoda's One and Only Gift

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He preferred his quarters at the temple, there was no doubt about that. At least that room felt like his. All of his projects were there, all of his old things. Keepsakes from his home and across the galaxy (that the Council may or may not know about.) 

The room on the Venator was much different. The walls were only a bit lighter than the ones of the prison cells. There was nothing of value besides his lightsaber which hung precariously on a small hook that painfully stood out against the wall. His bed (if you could really call it that) was nothing more than a metal slab on stilts covered with a thin, suspiciously stained, mattress.

 According to the medical droid the lack of sleep was damaging his mind. When Obi-wan heard that, he confined Anakin to his glamorized prison cell till he got some much needed sleep.  Anakin had been struggling with sleep before, and he certainly wasn't going to get any now.

But how could he relax when right outside that door, a violent, horrific war, ragged on? How was he supposed to relax when he didn't even know if the people he loved were still alive?

To pass the time, he tried the meditation technique that master Yoda had taught him before the mission. "Learn it you must. Important for a warrior, this skill is." Anakin muttered the words of the Jedi Master while he sat down on his bed. While the bed wasn't as comfortable as a meditation seat, it'd have to do. 

He reached out into the force. It was warm and comforting, as if he was being hugged by everyone who had ever loved him. He savored the feeling for as long as he could. In the depths of his mind, he heard the voice of Yoda. He couldn't tell if he was speaking through the force, or it was just a memory that sneaked into his consciousness. 

"Forbid attachments, we do, but love...impossible to control it is. Part of the force, yes, but not a part you can control."

The words rolled around in his mind for a good while as he questioned the meaning of what that meant. The comforting warmth faded slowly, and that's when he opened his eyes. Anakin was laying on his bed, the clock on the wall beside him indicated that it had been a full rotation. 

That wasn't a meditation technique that Yoda taught was a way to fall asleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2022 ⏰

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