Chapter 1

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Tae: yoongi  we will get out of this alive
Yoongi: tae we don't know where the other Jimin is wounded  jungkook is emo 🖤 and Jin is probably passed out and he keeps coming back he won't die tae he won't die *crying* it my fault if I would have saved him we would.... Be all together im so ....
Yoongi was. Cut off with a kiss on his lips 👄 he let tear fall 
Tae: it not your fault everyone is safe okay there safe  now I need you to grab your bat and help me beat the shit out. Of this fugly monster
Yoongi: k 😔
3 weeks early

Jimin: so suga are you gonna ask tae out . Jimin says leaning on the Locke next to yoongi
Yoongi: no and don't call me that yoongi say closing his locker
Jimin: why .. he likes you and tout like him so..
Yoongi : we shut the fuck up I don't like him if it was the end of the world and there was a zombie attack I would ask the zombie
Jimin: be careful what you wish for you know that viruse that is spreading like whildfire and it The person infected crazy so I would be careful what you say
Yoongi: what Ever I have too use the bathroom so I will see you later bye
Jimin: bye love you
Yoongi: whatever

In the bathroom

Tae : hey yoon tae says putting his cigarette down
Yoongi : it's yoongi yoongi say washing his hands
Tae :  jungkook I will call you later bye
Tae: when are you gonna stop ignoring me did that kiss mean nothing to you
Yoongi: no tae I was drunk at a damn party what do you expect  me to like you no you are a bad boy and I don't hang around fuck up like you
Tae grabs yoongi by his wrist and put it above his head yoongi who was wearing a short sweater with black rip jeans. Tried to cover his belly button 
Tar: look I'm tired of playing nice guys yoongi you felt something in that kiss too so don't even act like it was because the alcohol tae say getting dangerously close to yoongi face and before he can take it Further there was a bloody scream and next thing you know 5 guys and 2 girls run in the bathroom some with blood on there clothes an other sweating
Yoongi : Jimin wtf.  happen
Jimin: the virus it here Jimin say out of breath 

yoongi:  what \\

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