chapter 9

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"fuck "  jungkook says

"  did he get bit too " lisa says jumping up from her seat

" no did he eat anything at all "
" no "

" shit dose anyone have any sweet gummies
" no why "

" he has diabetes "

" fuck why the hell did he not tell us " Jin said punching the a
" we'll it not something you start a conversation with oh hey i might die in this zombie apocalypse because I have diabetes " jungkook said rooling his eyes
" don't get smart  with me young man
" should I stay" tae said. Scared if he goes someone's might die and if he stay yoongi might die  
" no go  I will stay and if you find anything sweet bring it back "
" okay". Tae ran out the door but making sure to be quiet
He was running and running wondering why he doesn't see any zombies  

With yoongi
Yoongi is on a latter crying   As zombies try getting him

He screams and screams attracting more zombies

Tae here's  his screams and run faster he got there right   Yoongi falls zombie where about to kill him the tae grabs a pole and hit the ground really loud the turn to him and he runs

" go to the basement now "  he said  running
Yoongi get up still on the ground
" tae"

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