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Chapter 29

Non sense! Etharkia has never had a Queen on the throne.

Jakar stood are you denying this is the blood born daughter if King Obsidian Firestone born of a waterstone princess King Idris?

Rachelle cut in we all know Carlise purged herself from the tower window because she was an unfaithful whore who impregnated herself from a bastard Firestone!

Instead of revealing to her husband what she'd done she ended her life to avoid shame and horror be bought to house Waterstone.

Mabey it was best Obsidian killed every waterstone on Etharkia so they wouldn't have to see this illegitimate whore stand before is today to kay claim to the throne!

Eeeeeek! Samira looked up Hunter flee over Rachelle's head pulling her hair and crown loose.

Samira smiled looking at Ahmad I told you he was going to fly. Call him baby please.

Ririki Tomalese! Hunter flew to Lividia resting on her arm. How dare you! How dare you besmirch the reputation of King Obsidian and my daughter! When my daughter married Obsidian she was chaste and certified my the professional mid-wives of Etharkia.

All paperwork was handed to king Islam for his signature I have all the original signed document's at the home secured for my by King Obsidian himself to hide his only heir to the throne of Etharkia.

My daughter Queen Carlise was a virgin when she and Obsidian married at sixteen year's of age. Had she not been King Islam would not have allowed their union!

Carlise was not chaste Princess Livodia a midwife yelled out walking to stand next to Lividia in House Waterstones sitting area.

Here I have in my posession  documents signed by King Obsidian that he took the virginity of Queen Carlise as was his right being her bethrothed and by her consent during the Dragon game's and Festival when they were fifteen year's of age.

King Obsidian requested I sign a sworn document that he is the one who slept with Queen Carlise and the child she was carrying was his.

I also have a sworn document from King Islam that he knew King Obsidian impregnated Queen Carlise and he claimed the grandchild as his own blood in the Firestone line because of the admission of his first born son King Obsidian.

The mid-wife gingerly removed the sacred document's. These papyrus were left in my custody the day king Obsidian disappeared he left them for me in trust in case this situation surfaced to the light.

I also have a document from pediatric Healer Trisent that he treated Samira for a burn on her left shoulder after being called to look at it by King Obsidian. One day later our beloved King disappeared into the shadow lands. 

Here is the signed scroll the wax seal unbroken from peditrician healer Trisent that Princess Samira was finger print blessed burned by a Holy Half Dead anointing her as Doublestone of Etharkia.

Where is this fingerprint burn?! Rochelle asked in disbelief. Ahmad removed her silk robes he had made for her Samira walked showing the finger print burn to the houses and counsel while spectator's inhaled at the sacred religious marking.

See there marked by a holy half dead! Jakar yelled aloud no one has been chosen as by holy half dead from the cradle since King Obsidian!

King Obsidian asked them to bestow the blessing on his only child and they did how can we ignore all these sign's brother's and sister's of Etharkia?

This is nice we have yet to see this agreement or proof Obsidian is just missing and not dead! Ahmad handed his father the scroll Obsidian gave him. How can we trust you Jakar when you caused the street to run red in Etharkia with the blood of Waterstones. Queen Rachelle you were a loar then and you are a liar now! I maintain my innocence I had no reason to kill any Waterstones and held no grudge.

A proper investigation was held Prince Jakar--

And It came up as dead ends Queen Rachelle thus this consel had to let me go lack of evidence placing me at rhe scene of the varrious crime scenes. Your ecidenxe was weak Queen Rochelle as is your weak attempts to besmirch the name if my beloved daughter and gradaughter. Your house if cards is about to fall Rachelle and you will be under it when it does!

Is that a threat Prince Jakar? No Queen Rachelle it is a promise. House waterstone has been attacked it's reputation destroyed I say no more! People who supported house Waterstone clapped once he spoke. You will restore House Waterstone to it's former glory the union between my grandaughter and Ahmad will bring forth many off spring once more waterstone will be flooded with beautiful princesses!

Is this the wax seal of your brother Father? Was his signet used on this parchment?

The signet went missing when Obsidian was killed by shadow demons he walked into the shadow lands the day he held Queen Carlis' dead body in his arms Prince Ahmad we all saw him!

King Idris held up his hand cracking the wax seal stretching the scroll he read it over pretending he'd never seen the document before.

Please read it aloud cousin! Jakar yelled into the crowd so all the house's and counsel member's can hear clearly.

I Prince Idris Firestone agree to accept the temporary appointment as King of Etharkia from the current King Obsidian Islam Firestone.

I agree that primcews Samira Carlise Firestone is the dragon blood born daughter King Obsidian Firestone and upon her return to Etharkia I shall relinquish the throne to her as the only living child of King Obsidian Firestone.

Is that your signature cousin? I do not recall signing this. The crowd mumbled Lividia looked to Idris with dagger darting eyes.

I suggest the document's be studied by this counsel to conduct a handwriting analysis to authenticate all signatories on the document's in question.

I agree King Idris said aloud let this counsel reconvene in two moon rising's.

Jakar collected the scrolls rolling them for safe keeping until the meeting in two days.

Is that all? Idris asked everyone irritated as a matter of fact no.

The counsel recognizes Prince Tremek of House Airstone. Is there truth to the fact that prince Ahmad is to marry Princess Samira?

There is truth, as Etharkia is aware King Obsidian allowed betrothal of his daughter to Prince Ahmad at the time of her birth two year's after the birth of Prince Ahmad.

House Airstone comprehends however when Samira was assumed dead Ahmad was betrothed to my daughter Princess Aviana Airstone here is the agreement signed by King Idris' own hand.

Ahmad was speechless Samira squeezed his hand.

Jakar stood that's nice and nobel upon return of princess Samira who we all knew was in the mirror with my wife Princess Lividia Firestone is here now.

King Obsidian in his wisdom sent his daughter to the mirror we have no idea why and it is not our place to question a dragon blood born King seared by the Holy half dead's. But Princess Samira is here now to claim her throne and her husband to rule Etharkia as Queen with her husband King Ahmad when the time comes.

That's well but the agreement was already signed Prince Jakar in her absence and the marriage is valid and legitimate I'm sorry Princess Samira but you are too late because Prince Ahmad  consummated the marriage with my daughter Princess Aviana. 

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