1 | Dallas & Annie

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Nobody's POV:

Cooper leans against the bedroom doorway, smiling softly as he watches his wife, Paisley, rush around the room, getting ready for something important. He chuckles as Paisley tosses clothes left and right.

"What's the big occasion?" Cooper asks, causing Paisley to squeak and turn around.

"Cooper! Don't sneak up on me like that! Your mother is bringing guests over today. I want to look nice!" Paisley says, continuing to rush around the room. Cooper walks over to their shared dresser. He pulls out one of her nicer pairs of jeans. He opens their shared closet and pulls out a nice semi-formal western button-up shirt with a floral blue and white pattern. 

He holds them out to her, "Here. We're going on a trail ride later. This way you look nice and won't have to change. Don't forget your hat though."

Cooper kisses her gently before pulling away and walking out of the room, closing the door behind him, while saying, "I love you, Paisley."

"Love you too, Cooper! Thanks for the help, love," Paisley calls to him as she begins to get dressed. Cooper goes out to the barn. Shasta, his old Belgian mare, nickers as she stands at the door to her stall. The old mare's gentle brown eyes watched as Cooper fed the other horses, leaving her to be fed last. He steps into her stall. 

"Hey, Shasta. Here's your breakfast. We're going on a trail ride later. Expect a lot of noise and unknown people around here. Apparently, Ma's bringing guests over. I heard from Lila that Pa's home. I'm sure he's one of the people Ma's bringing. You and Fox can relax for a few hours once you have eaten. I'll let you loose in the indoor arena," Cooper says, petting the older mare's neck as she eats. She listens to his words, his familiar soothing voice one she has always enjoyed listening to. "Well, I have to go to town. I'm taking the wagon and Arlington, Aster, Sassy, and Annie. See you later, Shasta," Cooper says before taking the bucket he used to fill her feed trough and walking out of the stall, latching and chaining it behind him. He grabs Arlinton, Aster, Sassy, and Annie's halters. 

Cooper leads the four drafts out of their stalls and into the tie racks. Annie and Sassy walk calmly while Arlington and Aster are prancing with their heads high in the air. He ties the horses in the tie racks. He grooms their shiny coats and puts on their harnesses. He brings Arlington and Aster to the wagon first. He hitches them to the wagon before repeating the same process with Annie and Sassy. Arlington and Aster are alert from their place behind Annie and Sassy. Cooper climbs up and sits down, clicking his tongue and asking the four drafts to walk forward. They stop in front of the house. Paisley comes out with a basket of fruits and vegetables. 

"Cooper! Take this to the Welshes while you're in town, will you? Mary was asking for some fruits and vegetables from our garden," Paisley calls as she walks to the wagon. Cooper takes the basket from her. He sets it beside him. "Arlington, Aster, behave," Paisley scolds when the gelding and stallion lean over one another to gain her attention. They settle down at the scolding. 

"I'll take them to Mary, Paisley. Arlington and Aster needed to get out and be worked so I decided to take the wagon instead of the truck. I'm bringing Annie and Sassy along to make sure they behave. Do you mind putting Fox and Shasta in the indoor arena to relax? I'll see you in a few hours. Does Dallas want to come to town with me?" Cooper says. Annie turns her head and nips Arlington, who tried to nibble on her hip. The stallion nickers and the mare pins her ears and raises her hind foot in warning and the stallion backs off. 

"Sure. I'll put them out when you leave. Dallas!!" Paisley calls to their six-year-old son. He comes running out of the house. 

"Yes, Mama?" Dallas asks politely once he reaches her. 

"Do you want to go to town with Dad? He's taking the wagon with Arlington, Aster, Annie, and Sassy," Paisley asks with a soft smile.

"Yes, please! Can I, Dad?" Dallas says. 

"Sure, little man. Climb on up here," Cooper says and Paisley helps Dallas up into the front seat of the wagon. "Say bye to Mama. Love you, Paise. See you in a few hours."

"Bye, Mama!" Dallas calls with a wave as the wagon rolls away, the drafts trotting. 

~----~Four Hours Later~----~

The sound of drafts trotting is heard from the house. Paisley and Sorrel rush out of the house to see Cooper and Dallas standing next to the wagon. Dallas holds two bouquets of flowers in his hands, a basket of fabric, a pair of fancy salt and pepper shakers, a framed photograph of Sorrel, her black and white gypsy vanner mare, Cassandra, and her chestnut paint mare, Jolene, and two pillows. Cooper holds a basket of scented candles and some ribbon.

Dallas holds out a bouquet to his older sister and mother. He hands the framed photo to his sister. Sorrel hugs her little brother tight in appreciation. He hands the basket to his mother. Cooper pulls out a candle and hands it to Sorrel, who takes a deep breath of the pleasant scent of vanilla and peppermint. Cooper hands the basket to Paisley, who smiles in appreciation. She and Sorrel go back into the house to continue prepping for the guests.

Dallas follows Cooper to the barn and helps him take off the horses' harnesses and spray them down before putting them in their stalls. Annie lowers her head to Dallas' level so he can take off her bridle. Dallas unclips Annie from the wash rack. She follows him to the tack room, waiting patiently for him. When he is done, he leads her to the wash rack, where he hoses her off before putting her in her stall. He pulls a homemade carrot and peppermint treat out of his pocket. Annie carefully takes the treat from his hand after lowering her head to allow him to take off her halter. She nuzzles him gently.  

"Dad, can I stay with Annie for a little bit?" Dallas asks, still petting Annie. 

"Sure, bud. When I'm done putting the sheep in the field, I'll come back and get you, ok?" Cooper says. 

"Ok, Dad." Annie lays down, the fluffy shavings tickling Dallas as he leans against her. The flaxen chestnut mare settles her head gently in his lap. Dallas pets her. Soon the two fall asleep to each other's soothing presence. 

Thirty minutes later, Cooper returns to the barn and opens Annie's stall door. He sees Dallas and Annie asleep. He pulls out his phone and takes a picture of the two. He approaches the two quietly and sits next to Dallas. Annie opens her eyes and flutters her lip, nickering quietly. Her hazel eyes are gentle and kind as she watches Cooper. She lightly brushes Dallas' cheek, causing him to stir. He rubs his eyes as he wakes up. 

"Dallas, it's time to go get ready for Nana and her guests. Once you're ready, you can come back out to the barn and tack up Annie, along with decorating her to your liking," Cooper says softly as Dallas stands, gently using Annie to balance. 

"Ok, Dad," Dallas says, before the father-son duo walks out of the stall, closing the door behind them and going to the house to get ready. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2023 ⏰

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