Why'd you have to do that to me ?

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———————-Charlie's POV

"where are you goin dude ? we're looking for you !" ryan said

"The song.... LA liked it" i said

"he does ? wow that's great" ryan said

"yeah..thanks" i said

"where'd you go charlie?" mikaela said

"i met LA" i said

"you do? that's great!" mikaela said

"hey ! you're not supposed to drink mikaela! you're not 21 ! you're still 19!" i said

"i forgot sorry!" mikaela said

and then meghan came with LA

"see you later meg ! see you later Charlie ! " LA said

"thanks LA!" i said

"heeeeey charlie.." meghan said

"hey? ooh,what'd he say ?" i said

"here's the thing, LA asked me to do a tour again.." meghan said

"he does ? oh.." i said

"i know right? i missed you a lot when i do my first tour. but i missed my fans around America,Europe also Asia so i wanna communicate with them again" meghan said

"yeah,it's a good opportunity but i don't wanna lose you" i said

"i know,i don't wanna loosed you and my family too.but i missed my work and my fans" meghan said

"when the tour is ?" i said

"LA said it's on february but The organizer will tell me the more information" meghan said

"okay.. you know i will always wished you luck" i said

"thanks charlie.. thank you for supporting me for what i do" meghan said and hugging me


"what are you doin with my girl charlie????" Zac said

we didn't continued our hug

"Hey man... i was just umm i was just" i said

"it's a best friend hug ! it used to wish your best friend luck! yayyyyy" meghan said (she's so smart when talked to anybody)

"i wanna show you something meghan...Bye charlie!" Zac said

"bye.." i said

lonely again..........

"hey,why are you acting so sad??" Ryan said

"it's just..." i said

"C'mon... tell me the truth" Ryan said

"i guess i'm just jealous" i said

"of what??" Ryan said

"Meghan is always put her attention on zac AND ME her best friend who always be there for her,no matter what happens she doesn't put her attention on me again.i just want her for my own" i said

"whoa,whoa calm down... just don't be hellish man.she deserves Zac.although she's always come home late at night because of him.. but she's madly in love with him. and zac's a good man,he doesn't drink again when he's with meghan,he's always nice to people,he's rich,he's the coolest person i've ever met,and he's in love with meghan so much,but keep this secret" Ryan said

"yeah?" what is it?" i said

"she's in love with you for a long time,but she doesn't wanna make mistakes and she doesn't wanna hurt you cause she's very focused on her career.she doesn't wanna break up with you and she doesn't wanna make you hate her because of her job" Ryan said

"she said that ???????!!!!!!!!! SHE LOVES ME?" i said

"hey! shut your goddamn loud mouth!!! it's a secret!!!" Ryan said

"yeah-yeah i'm sorry" i said

"But i mean,you two are besties right? you'll not hate her right? and you two are both singers so you two could understands each other jobs right?" Ryan said

"i know,but out there.. there's a lot of singers who broke up because their jobs.like they didn't met for 6 months and they not met for that 6 months and then they decided to broke up" i said

"that's cruel enough,but if they wanna keep their relationship and they still love each other,why'd they have to broke up?" Ryan said

"Maybe some fans are just jealous of them? so they choose fans before they couple?" I said

"you sure REALLY,understands what love is" Ryan said

"Haha.." i said

and then mikaela came to me and ryan

"hey! what are you guys are talking about?" mikaela said

"it's a 'man' thing" i said

"okay.. btw where's meghan??" mikaela said

"ooh shoot!" i said

"let me find.." Ryan said

"no.let me you two.. stay here,don't go anywhere" i said

"okay.." mikaela said

i ran to many employees there,an asked them one by one

"Is there a new room on this building?" i said

"yeah,it's a lounge room. just go downstairs,turn left and it's beside the restroom" one of the employee said

"thanks man" i said

"no problem" one of the employee said

i ran and go downstairs,turn left and found the room

i tried to unlocked the door,but it doesn't opened maybe i can pretend be the one of the employees here

"your food is coming!" i said

there's a silence a bit.but i successfully opened the door.....and.........Zac And Meghan are MAKING OUT EACH OTHER

"What are you doin man?" Zac said

"what are you doing to meghan man??" i said

"we're about to have um...um" Zac said

"Enough!!!!C'mon meghan... let's get you home.you son of a b***h you treated her like that!" i said and leave zac alone

"what are you doing Charlie???? i want to have it for the first time with him.. but why'd you interrupt us???" meghan said

"oh yeah??? is that okay to have a first time —- with someone,that is NOT your husband??? My job is to protect you!!! if you lost something,who will get mad by your parents huh??!! ME!!" i said

"then,i just wanna be with him...just a minute with him.. why'd you do this to me charlie? I HATE YOU!!!" meghan said and ran away from me

"meghan wait!!!" i said,she go home with taxi

"meghan! wait!!!!" i said and she goes

i ran to Ryan and Mikaela

"what is it charlie??" mikaela said

"you know guys??? ZAC EFRON AND MEGHAN TRAINOR IS ABOUT HAVING —- for the first time but i prevent it" i said

"SHE WHATTT???????" ryan said

"she did,but luckily i prevent it" i said

"THAT GUY IS SON OF A B***H !! how dare he treated meghan that way??" ryan said

"he's a playboy for your information" i said

Ryan really gets mad and like wanna crash zac's head

"calm down,calm down" i said

"lets go home guys,lets get enough of this shit" mikaela said

and then we go home...

 thank you guys for watching my story! don't forget to comment also vote sorry i don't have a lot time to do a new chapter.but you know i love you guys so much! stay awesome...

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