The Ninja Team Bio: Future Members

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(Welcome to Part 2 of the Ninja Team Bio's! In this part, it will be the rest of the team as the future members of the Ninja are revealed. But just thought before I get started again, at the end of each Arc, I'll do a poll, on the theme song. Also, this chapter includes, people that have their elements but believe that it's their quirk, people that know that they have their elements, and people who are heroes but aren't members of the ninja team. With that said, let's get to it, and I'll explain how the Song Poll works when we get to it.)

Category 1: "Quirk" Ninja Members

Category 1: "Quirk" Ninja Members

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Ochako Uraraka:

Quirk/Element; Gravity

Likes; Mochi, Her Best Friends, Her Parents, Cats, Heroes, People That Want To Help, The Ninja, and The Mysterious Island of Ninjago

Dislikes; Villains, Spoiled Brats, Rapists, People Who Think That Their Superior, Throwing Up, and People Making Fun of Her (Sexuality)

Dislikes; Villains, Spoiled Brats, Rapists, People Who Think That Their Superior, Throwing Up, and People Making Fun of Her (Sexuality)

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Hitoshi Shinso:

Quirk/Element; Brainwash/Mind

Likes; Eraserhead, Being a Hero, People That Accept His "Quirk", Modern Wrestling Music That Sounds Like It's From The 80's, and Classic Wrestling

Dislikes; People Calling Him a Villain, Monamo, Hot Heads, Heroes That Only Care About Money, and Villains

Dislikes; People Calling Him a Villain, Monamo, Hot Heads, Heroes That Only Care About Money, and Villains

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