Scroll I: Dekuri's... A Ninja?!

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(Start the music but stop once the Green Helmet guy shows up)

Ninjago City...

-Ninjago City... The home of the world's greatest team of heroes. Everyone in the city is currently holding a parade to honor the old team of Ninja, and celebrate the deeds of the new ninja that will defend the honor and peace of Ninjago. Everyone at that event was wearing a different colored mask to represent the members of Ninja that fight the evil lurking in the city, the colors of blue, red, white, black, cyan-grey, orange, and green. In the crowd, five different people snuck out of the parade, with one of them wearing two red swords on his back. The five of them looked at each other as the leader of the group, with the green helmet, drew his sword and pointed to the tallest building in all of Ninjago City.

???: *Neo Metal Sonic Voice* Tonight... We strike a hole into the heart of Ninjago...

Thug 1: *Whisper to other Thug* Dude!

Thug 2: *Whispers Back* What?

Thug 1: *Whisper* I'm scared man... What if... "You know who" comes out to get us??

Thug 3: *Join's Conversation* We managed to beat the elite of the Ninjago City Police. If the Green Ninja shows up, we can take him.

-All of a sudden, the leader hears the conversation, and he swings his blade to the third thug's neck, but to the grace of the thug (And the disappointment of us) doesn't get killed by the leader.

???: *Neo Metal Sonic Voice* YOUR job... Is to make sure no, wannabe "Heroes" get in my way... *Put's Sword Away* Most particularly, "Ground Zero" AND "Flashfreeze."

Thug 4: Those two? Their just annoying on a whole other level! Their not a threat!

???: *Neo Metal Sonic Voice* I wouldn't call them, "Annoying" *Pulls Out Grapple Cannon* The word, "Formidable" is the right term. *Loads Cannon* Remember the plan. *Turns to them* Or this heist will be your LAST.

Thugs: *Nervous Gulp* Yes sir...

-The leader of the group shot the grapple to the tope of one the nearby buildings as they begin to climb up the rope. But little did they know, they were being watched, but the two vigilantes of Ground Zero and Flashfreeze, AKA Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki.

 But little did they know, they were being watched, but the two vigilantes of Ground Zero and Flashfreeze, AKA Katsuki Bakugo and Shoto Todoroki

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