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201 reads?! Guys that's insane I work so hard on all my stories this just made my day <3

I place a torch at the entrance of the cave. Here goes. I wipe my hands on my diamond armour and begin to go down. After half an hour I find what I'm looking for. I mine the blue gem and keep going, finding a little more. Deciding that's enough I start to head back up to the surface. On my way I bump into Jade.
"Oh, hey, Clove!" She grins at me.
"Hi." Jade is a Gatherer, here to get emeralds I guess. "Oh!!" I exclaim. She looks at me, and I tell her about the emeralds I saw where I got some of my lapis. She thanks me and starts the precarious climb downwards. I keep going up, squinting at the sudden bright light. I climb completely out, and my sword scabbard get caught on soem clumps of earth and rock. I give it a kick, and I falls down onto Ash's face. Ash, my enemy. Ash, the diamond collector.
"What the hell?!" She yells through a mouthful of dirt. I'd laugh if it didn't mean she'd report me and I'd lose my job.
"Sorry! Here!" I say instead, and offer her my hand. She ignores it and climbs out, then give me a huge shove on my chest, making me topple.
Oh boy. She just messed with the wrong girl.
I stick my arm out, and trip her. I yell and jump on top of her. We roll over and over, kicking, biting, punching. She ends up on top of me, and pulls out a dagger. The hell?! She's going to kill me?! She senses me struggling and reinforces her grip. I scream and shove her chest, making her fly backwards. I stomp on her hand, making her scream and drop the knife. I give her a swift kick to the head. Knocked out but not injured. I throw her over my shoulder in a fireman carry, and take her towards the castle. Her bag fell off, so I pick it up and carry it. It's full of diamonds. Ten minutes later I arrive at the castle. I head towards the place for gathers. Suddenly a guard stops me. "What do you think your doing?" He asks gruffly. "This girl tried to kill me! I've got her stuf.." He grabs my arm, Ash falls to the ground. "Exactly. Your the lapis girl, aren't you?" I nod. "Well, ya got diamonds. Know what that mean do ya!" He sneers. I gasp. Oh no. "No, no, I just grabbed her bag, it fell when she attacked me.." He slams a hand against my mouth, and I feel the cloth. I feel sleepy. Chloroform. "Save it for the court!" He yells, and picking me up, the last thing I hear is "Clove!"
And a thud.
A thud.
A scream.
Nothing to hear.

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