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The bomb.
100 metres to my right.
The force wave knocks me flat over, knocks the wind out of me. I see bodies fly into the air, before I black out for a minute. All I'm thinking is;
Please let the team be safe. Please let the team be safe.
I know it's too much to wish for before I even see it.
Jo, lying there.
I didn't know her for long but...
I knew one thing.
She was a ninja.
Only a young one. The power was passed to her. But now she's dead. Not by the bomb, I know now. But dead all the same. Sacrificed herself, I know now, too. For Clove. The best way to die, I think, is to die knowing you made a point, a stand. But I live by a different motto.
If there's time for me to jump I front of the weapon, there's time for you to move.

I'll kill you.

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