New York, New York

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New York, New York, September 20, 2019

Evangeline belts out the last note of her hit single as she glances at the large crowd in front of her. The turn out was surprising for her. Eva has not released music in almost five years and did not expect people to still want to show up for her performances. She tries to fight the tears in her eyes at the thought.

Her band closes out the song, earning loud cheers and screams from the audience. Evangeline grins graciously at them, beyond thankful to have such an amazing support system. Good Morning America proves to be an awesome gig and an amazing way to kick off her upcoming tour to promote her new album. Eva is certain that the enthusiastic reaction of the crowd is an indication of how successful this new album is going to be. It helps that many of the shows for her tour have already sold out.

She was told that some of the girls at the front row had been waiting here twelve hours ago. It proves that her fan base is loyal and dedicated to her. Eva is relieved that she is still relevant, despite the four-year gap from her previous release.

"That was Look at the Stars from Eva Hale's new album, New Beginnings, in stores now!" The host emerges from the stage and pulls the songstress into a tight hug.

Like clockwork, Eva is pulled off the stage before she even has the chance to process what is happening around her. She enters the backstage area expecting to see Lisa waiting for her and eager to debrief her about her next task. However, she sees Lisa waiting for her with Mika Zibanejad standing beside her. She smiles at him and waves enthusiastically.

After giving out her phone number to the star forward at the preseason game, he texted her and asked her out on a date. Eva agreed because she would be a fool if she declined a date with someone she admires so much. After getting to know him a little better, she knew she would have a good time hanging out with him. Through various text conversations and phone calls, Eva thought Mika was charming and extremely hilarious. It also seems like they have a lot in common, which in her experience, helps two people get along better in a relationship. Eva is not sure where this thing with Mika will go but she sure as hell is willing to try.

Eva approaches her agent and Mika, pulling the latter into a bone crushing hug.

"Hey, Z-Bad, so good to see you! What are you doing here?" She asks when they pulled away from each other.

Instead of responding, the Swedish hockey player glances at Lisa questionably. Eva tilts her head in confusion as she stares the agent down. Lisa holds her head up confidently, opening her mouth for a response.

"I invited him here, figured you guys can go out on a few dates, get to know each other, good for press," Lisa replies dismissively.

Evangeline is confused. She does not remember telling Lisa about the nature of her budding relationship with Mika. She never even mentioned Mika asking her out on a date. Lisa can put two and two together after observing their exchange at the preseason game but Eva doubts Lisa knows anything about the two getting along so well.

"Tell me what's on your mind, Lisa," Eva decides to let Lisa do the explaining.

The agent beams at her as she glances between the songstress and the hockey star.

"I know he is interested in you and you are interested in him. Why not accelerate the timeline and throw you both forward in a high profile relationship?"

Eva groans as she looks at Mika apologetically. The dark haired Swede shrugs at her but gives her a small, supportive smile. Eva likes him already.

"Lisa, I do not need to be in a high profile relationship for my album to be successful... wait a minute, if you wanted me in a high profile relationship, why am I being set up with a hockey dude... no offense Mika, I'm sure you're lovely..." Eva shoots Mika an apologetic look.

Mika smiles cheekily at the singer.

"None taken, and thanks!"

"... I mean you could've hooked me up with Chris Evans or Harry Styles?"

Her agent rolls her eyes and places both hands on either side of the brunette's shoulders. The singer's puzzled hazel eyes sharpens as they fall upon Lisa, demanding a plausible answer out of this. Meanwhile, Mika remains in his place awkwardly, just like an outsider. He has no idea what is going on. He received correspondence from Lisa inviting backstage for Eva's Good Morning America performance and here he is.

"I have spoken to your publicist, she knows exactly what your fans want in your romantic life. The whole musician and hockey player thing is really hot right now, look at Carrie Underwood and Mike Fischer..." Lisa stops when she realizes she has nothing else to offer to the list but she recovers quickly and continues,, "and with your sister's engagement to Jonathan Toews, hockey stars are so in right now... especially for you!"

Evangeline scoffs.

"Mike Fischer is retired. I didn't realize hockey players are trends. I'm sure Mika is more than just jean overalls in the nineties."

Mika laughs softly at her comment.

As much as Eva disagrees with the publicity stunt, she has to give her agent credit for coming up with all of this. Lisa went through so much, detailing current gossip and her personal life to draw such a conclusion.

"Ok, smartass," Lisa rolls her eyes, "I am not trying to make you lie to the public. You and Mika here are talking and in the process of starting something new. Why not take full advantage of that?"

Eva ponders over her agent's words. She turns back to Mika to see how he is reacting to this. He again shrugs and maintains a smile on his face. He looks like he is so onboard,Evangeline thinks to herself.

"Besides you've already had several high profile relationships with actors and music stars, the press would love to see you change it up," Lisa drones on.

"How thoughtful of you, Lisa!" Eva remarks sarcastically.

"Oh please, they'll eat it up— Eva Hale in pursuit of romance with her favorite hockey player, Mika Zibanejad."

"But Pavel Buchnevich is my favorite hockey player!" Eva protests.

"Gee thanks!"

"Sorry, 93!"

Lisa lets out a deep breath, making sure her annoyance toward the superstar is apparent. She is playing an amazing PR game, conducting an intelligent way to bring up record sales and an excellent way to make Eva Hale relevant during her tour run. In return, Eva decides to be bratty and difficult.

"Fine, let's just say I'll go along with it. What do you propose I do?" Eva finally gives in, knowing that Lisa will find a way to get her to do it either way.

The older woman smiles at her client appreciatively, nodding excitedly at the successful venture. She turns to Mika and gives him the same satisfied grin. He raises an eyebrow.

"Great! I want you guys to take it slow, do not make it look forced. Take the limo and go to whatever restaurant you guys desire, get to know each other. Eva, maybe you'll like Mr. Zibanejad here," Lisa gestures toward the backstage exit.

Eva bites her lips, looking over at Mika for guidance. The hockey player shrugs and holds his hand out for her to take. Smiling, she takes his hand and lets him drag her out.

"Make sure the paparazzi sees us," Eva mumbles to him as a roadie opens the door for them to leave.

Eva takes one last look at Lisa, who is ginning at her, before stepping outside with Mika in tow.

The second they step foot outside, they are bombarded with camera flashes.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" Evangeline asks Mika.

The Swedish hockey player chuckles in response.

"I'm not sure, to be honest, but I did ask you out on a date, did I not?"

Eva tightens her grip on his hand as a gesture of reassurance.

"That you did," she says, "we'll just do our thing. Go on this date and make sure the whole world knows it, I guess."

Eva blinks and tries to look away from the paparazzi. Mika is trying his best not to be phased by it, but he cannot help but be bothered by the amount of pictures taken of him. This is different from the media he does for his career. He is with a high profile celebrity now and he has to get used to it. Mika's interest in Eva Hale makes this all worth it. At least this is what he will tell himself.

A blue Mercedes G-Class SUV approaches the pair instead of the limo Eva expected. Eva for a second assumes that another member of the press is in the vehicle trying to get an exclusive shot of her and Mika. However, Mika curses under his breath as he gently pulls Evangeline toward the vehicle. When they both approach the vehicle and the driver window is rolled down, Eva finally understands why Mika reacted the way he did.

"Hello Mr, Kreider, what brings you here today?" Eva asks sweetly.

Chris Kreider gives her a small grin and gestures for the two to get inside the back of his vehicle. Mika sighs and turns to Eva.

"You got a limo waiting, right?"

Eva giggles. She is already doing everything Lisa is asking of her. The least she can do is have a little fun while following instructions. A little joyride with two forwards from the New York Rangers sounds like a lot of fun.

"Let's go!" She exclaims, "screw that limo!"

Before Mika can protest, Eva releases their intertwined hands and invites herself into the backseat of Chris's vehicle. Mika has no choice but to follow suit.

"Where to, Miss Hale?" Chris asks after Mika closed the door behind him.

"You know that fancy French restaurant on 51st?"

Chris smirks. Eva gulps when she realizes how charming he is when he is being playful. She can only see his reflection from his rear view mirror and that is all she needs to note her attraction to the driver.

Eva scolds herself and tries to shake her thoughts off. She is on a date with his teammate.

"You want only the best for Z here, don't you?"

"Shut up, Chris," Mika murmurs.

"You know it," Eva winks at Mika.

Mika flushes a little at her comment, which Eva notices is entertaining the hell out of Chris. She turns her attention back to Chris.

"So what compelled you to play chauffeur today?" Eva asks, "need a side gig because your multi million dollar hockey contract is not paying the bills?"

Chris grins and Eva's heart skips a best. She turns away from him.

"He's bored and literally cannot do anything without me," Mika responds for him.

"Oh, should I leave then?" Eva jests, "I feel like I'm third-wheeling here."

The men laugh lightly at her suggestion and shake their heads.

"I wanted to be here for Z and make sure he has everything he needs for his first date," Chris replies.

Mika glares at Chris from the backseat.

"You know I have been on other dates before."

"So do you hijack all of Mika's first dates?" Eva asks curiously.

Chris slowly pulls his vehicle to a rolling stop at the traffic light and turns to the two.

"No, just the ones with beautiful, talented singers," he beams at her and Eva fights to keep her breathing in control.

Stop it, Eva! He's not that cute, Eva scolds herself.

Mika scowls.

"Kreids, stop hitting on my date!"

"How do you know she's not my date and you're just third-wheeling?"

Mika looks at Eva and rolls his eyes. Judging by his reaction, this is not the first time the two friends have done this. Eva can only imagine how close the two are for them to encourage each other to partake in these shenanigans on more than one occasion.

"For all you know, I'm driving Ms. Hale to our date at Le Bernardin." Chris shoots back.

"Oh, so you do know which fancy French restaurant I'm talking about!"

"I swear Kreids, I will not pass to you this season," Mika threatens.

Chris returns his attention to the road when the light turns green.

"Sorry Eva, we can't be together anymore. The source of my success on the ice not passing to me? We can't have that, now can we?"

Eva is amused at the two.

"Guess not in this lifetime, Chris. Maybe the next one? As a Rangers fan, I need to make a noble sacrifice and do my part to ensure that the ZKB line stays in tact," Eva jokes as her phone rings.

Evangeline looks down at her phone screen and declines the call when she sees the caller ID.

"Not taking that?" Mika asks.

"Nah, it's Lisa, probably freaking out that we got into Chris's car instead of the limo."

Chris chuckles.

"My bad."

The three continue engaging in light conversation during the rest of the ride to the restaurant. Eva is not joking when she suggested that she is the one third wheeling Mika and Chris. It is apparent to her that the two are very close and she is not surprised, given their chemistry on the ice. They finish each other's sentences at times and their inside jokes are endless. Eva finds herself lost during some of their conversations, which requires one of them to give her an abbreviated explanation. Nevertheless, she feels lucky that she has the opportunity to hang out with two players from her favorite hockey team.
Chris pulls up at the destination and gets out of the driver's seat to open the car door for Eva. Eva tries not to stare at him too long as she gets out of the vehicle.

"Thank you, Mr. Kreider," she says appreciatively, "I may require your services again as you provide better conversation than my limo drivers."

Chris grins cheekily as Mika appears beside her.

"I'm always at your service, Ms. Hale. Especially if you bring this one along," Chris gestures to Mika.

Eva links her hand with Mika's again as the two head inside the restaurant.

Eva knows that this is certainly not the last time she will see Chris Kreider if she continues to spend time with Mika. The two are peas in a pod and Eva secretly dreads the fact.

Never in a million years did Evangeline believe that love at first sight was a thing, but she is pretty sure that she just about fell in love with Chris Kreider.

Dreaming Out Loud // Jonathan Toews, Chris Kreider, Nathan MacKinnonWhere stories live. Discover now