Denver, Colorado

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Denver, Colorado, September 23, 2019

"What the hell, Eva, are you serious?" Cat hisses into her handheld device.

She looks up when she notices someone entering her office. An eyebrow shoots up expectantly as soon as she makes eye contact with the intruder. I really need to implement a closed door policy, she thinks to herself. Meanwhile, she is still trying to focus on the phone conversation with her sister.

"What are you freaking out about, baby sis?"

Cat gestures for Mikko Rantanen, who just invited himself into her space, to sit down on the chair in front of her while resuming to the conversation with Evangeline. She tries to ignore the man and the rapid speed of her beating heart.

"Mika Zibanejad, really?" Cat snaps.

Mikko's smirk widens at the mention of the name. He obviously understands what is going on, having heard the news. Unless Caterina is looking to represent Mika Zibanejad, Mikko is sure Cat is voicing her disapproval of the hockey player to her famous sister. Based on his experience with the agent, he knows she does not approve of relationships with athletes. She made it clear to him that she did not date hockey players. He is not shocked to find out that her philosophy extends to her sister as well.

"It was just a date, and I don't even know if we are going to get serious," Eva justifies.

At this point, Cat can hear someone speaking in the background. Her older sister is probably preparing to go out on tour.

"Alright, I just don't feel comfortable with you entering the hockey territory especially with Jackie and Jon getting it on and all..."

"And of course with you and Mr. MacKinnon getting hot and heavy in your client-agent relationship," her sister teases.

Caterina flushes, turning away from Mikko so he does not see her reaction. She has a feeling that Mikko had already caught her discomfort when Eva made the suggestion.

"I am not getting hot and heavy with Nathan MacKinnon!" She exclaims defensively.

Mikko, who had already been invested in this conversation, perks up and continues to listen to the conversation intensively. He has a permanent smirk on his face as he stares down his agent in amusement. Cat glares at the Finnish hockey player and uses her free hand to smack his upper arm.

"Shut up, Mikko," she hisses.

"Whatever you say! I can never tell how you feel about him, but I know that he is in love with you! Seriously, I see the way he looks at you!"

"I don't date my clients, Eva," Cat makes sure she stares at Mikko square in the eyes as she made the comment to her sister.

She needs to make sure that message is clear to her new client, whose motive in agreeing to her representation is still up in the air.

"I know you're a professional, Kitty Cat. I am just teasing... but seriously though, I am pretty sure that Nathan has the hots for you," Evangeline responds.

Cat rolls her eyes and leans back into her comfortable chair. She is tired of her sisters teasing her about Nathan. In fact, she is tired of anyone teasing her about him. It is obvious that they have great chemistry but in reality, they just work so well together. They have a great friendship that should never be mistaken for anything more. Sure, they tease each other and harmlessly flirt with one another, but it does not go anywhere beyond that. Nathan is a professional hockey player and Cat is his agent.

"Look, I was just checking up on you. I don't want everyone to think that you are dating Zibanejad just because your publicist thinks it's profitable to have you date a hockey player right after Jack's engagement," Cat reasons.

"I know! I promise you, Mika and I had already planned to date before Lisa asked us to make this public. I am not sure how I feel about him yet but I really want to take it slow and see this through, okay?."

"Eva, just be careful. Don't get caught trying to fake a relationship for attention. As a sports agent, I've come across some cases like this with some of these athletes, I don't like it a single bit."

Eva then proceeds to reassure her sister that she will not let this budding romance with Mika Zibanejad get out of control. Cat does not believe Eva will have this under control but there is nothing she can do to change that. Eva is operating under the instructions of her team and Cat is just going to have to trust that Eva is being taken care of. Besides, Cat has her own life to manage since it has just gotten more complicated.

"Hopefully I'll see you soon, Cat, miss you!"

As soon as Cat ends the phone conversation, she turns on Mikko, who is smirking. She picks up a folder from the side of her table and tosses it at his head. He swats the object away before it even makes it to his head there.

"What are you doing here, Rantanen?" She asks, "I was just about to call you."

Mikko runs a hand through his blonde, curly locks as his stare intensifies. Cat tries not to squirm in her seat and stands her ground.

"It's just Rantanen now?"

Caterina shakes her head.

"No, no, no, you don't get to do that, Mikko," she says meekly, "I am your agent now so we can't go there again."

Mikko understands. Her career can potentially be on the line if she gets caught in a romantic or even physical relationship with her clients. However, it is hard to pretend that he has never craved for her the way he did the entirety of this past summer.

"You said you were about to call? Did you hear back from the front office?" Mikko decides that the best tactic is to change subjects.

Cat physically relaxes at the change in topic.

"Yes, they are very interested in signing a long term deal and I know they are willing to pay you a lot of money," she relays.

"Wow, you're really good at your job."

"No, you're good at yours."

Mikko grins. This is good news. He was sure that after the scandal that occurred this past summer, his time with the Colorado Avalanche will come to an end. He was also convinced that he would be blacklisted in the league and never to play professional hockey in North America ever again. However, hearing from Cat sparks renewed hope in him. MacKinnon definitely did him a solid for hooking him up with his agent.

"I am willing to take 6.5, 7 million," Mikko says.

Cat purses her lips and shakes her head.

"I'll ask for 10."

"10 million?"

"You just got off of a career high season. You are a point machine, and the organization would be doing you a disservice to not pay you what you are worth," Cat argues.

Mikko thought at various points this past summer that he was in love with Caterina Hale. Now, he really thinks so. She is driven and clearly will go to war for him. Cat Hale is just who he needs right now to get him through the roughest summer of his life.

"If they're willing to go for lower than 10, I'm good with that too," he concedes.

Cat nods.

"I know, but I think you're worth 10 mil. Let's just start there and see where I can get you, okay?"

Mikko hums in the affirmative.

"Want to stay in Colorado for a long time?"

"Like how long?"

"Five, six years?"

Mikko stares.

"Are you saying that you're trying to get me locked in at 10 million for five to six years?"

"I sure as hell will try if that's what you want," Cat responds.

"I like the sound of that," she finally got him on board.

Cat does not know if Nathan deliberately threw her a softball when he practically pleaded for her to take Mikko on as her client. She thought it would be a hard sell to get her superiors to agree for her to take him on. Mikko had been caught up in some scandal that she had no other way to characterize it other than a media shitstorm. However, she got the green light to draft up a contract for Mikko to sign rather quickly. Now she knows why. Mikko had a breakout season and this was the best time for her to negotiate a long term contract for him.

Sometimes controversy stemming from a player's personal life plays a big part in contract negotiations but it seems like the organization is willing to overlook that in favor of securing their future with an outstanding player.

"I have a serious question if you are up for answering," Mikko pulls her out of her thoughts.

"Is it personal? Because we can't do that anymore."

"It's professional," Mikko reassures.

Cat has to be very careful with him moving forward. Their history can compromise their working relationship and she is going to fight like hell to prevent that.

"Did you only agree to represent me because of Mac?"

She groans.

"How is that a professional question?"

"I want to know my agent's motive. Is that so wrong?" Mikko defends.

The agent places a hand over her forehead. It is really hard to stay professional with this guy since he makes everything feel so personal. It sounds like he is jealous of her working relationship with Nathan and she really cannot have this energy. However, he is not wrong. If it were not for Nathan's pleading, she would not have agreed to represent him.

"Understandably, you know why us working together is a bad idea," when Mikko nods, Cat continues, "but Nathan convinced me to give this a shot."

Speaking of Nathan, Cat checks the clock and realizes that Mikko's unexpected visit puts her behind schedule.

"Also, we're going to have to wrap this up in the next five minutes. Nathan is coming in soon," she notes.

Mikko's eyes darken at the mention of her scheduling. Nathan has always been a tenuous subject around him, especially during the past summer. Cat is surprised Mikko managed to display amusement when Eva teased her earlier. Cat slowly lets out a breath, knowing exactly what is coming. What the fuck have I gotten myself into? Cat asks herself.

"Everything you do is for him! If you love him so much, why were you even with me this summer?"


"Is Nathan the reason why you never wanted to truly be with me?"

Cat fights the bile that is threatening to travel up her throat. Nathan is about to arrive for their meeting and Mikko is bringing up something that Nathan absolutely cannot know about.

"Nate cannot know about this summer, and you being my client is not going to help conceal it... I'm worried, that is all," Cat explains as she continues to eye the clock and the entrance to her office nervously.

"Because you are in love with him!"

"No, Mikko, I am not in love with him."

Cat is confused as to why everyone thinks that. She has never indicated to anyone that she has romantic feelings for Nathan. The two did not even flirt in front of other people. They were close but they never outwardly showed affection to each other. Cat loves Nathan to death but not in the way that everyone thinks. She is willing to die for the man but it does not necessarily mean that she is in love with him.

Besides, the only time she has ever felt close to being in truly in love was with the man in front of her. Ironically, Mikko thinks that her love for Nathan is holding her back.

A part of her agrees with him that she has never wanted to move forward with Mikko because of her fear that it will affect her friendship and working relationship with Nathan. This explains why she insisted that they kept their trysts under wraps. It would destroy Nathan to know that his agent is trying to form a relationship with his teammate.

In response, Mikko rolls his eyes as if her comment is the biggest bullshit he has ever heard. To him, it is. He has always noticed the immense chemistry between Cat and Nathan, something that is not normal between a sports agent and her client. They are way past the line between personal and professional. Maybe it is his insecurity talking but he is sure he is not the only one who sensed this.

"You so love him! I know you have clients all over the country and of all the wonderful landmarks you could be staying at, you choose Denver? You left your home to be with him!"

Mikko does not know anything. Cat is aware of the fact that he doe not understand why she is so invested and loyal to Nathan. At this point, she is tired of arguing with Mikko.

"My relationship with Nathan is of no concern to you. I will always represent your best interests professionally and I assure you, I will secure a deal with the front office and get back to you as soon as possible," Cat says stoically.

Mikko scowls.

"Oh, so it's like that?"

Cat opens her mouth to give him a reply but she can see Nathan walk into the office building and greeting her receptionist. Nathan looks to the direction of her office and waves at her. Cat waves back as he walks into her office. Mikko notices too and decides to drop whatever conversation he intends to carry on with.

Nathan is surprised to find Mikko in the office with the agent.

"Hey Moose, did not expect to see you here today," Nathan walks over to Mikko for a hand shake.

"I stopped by to discuss my contract with the front office. I was just leaving," Mikko gives Cat a meaningful glance as he walks past her to leave her office, "see ya, Cat!"

"I'll be in touch, Mikko," Cat responds.

She tries not to visibly sigh in relief when Mikko is out of earshot. That was such an intense conversation and she is so glad Nathan came in to put an end to it. She should not have agreed to represent Mikko. He seems to be bringing up the past that she is trying to bury. He also seems bitter about what happened between them. Cat cannot have that fester in their professional relationship.

"Are you okay?"

Nathan furrows his eyebrows as he notices the distracted look on Cat's face.

"I'm fine, just a bit tired. Have a seat and let us discuss your endorsement deals for this upcoming season."

Nathan beams at her as he takes a seat. He notices something wrong with Cat but he knows it is not his business what occurred between her and Mikko during their meeting. He decides it is best not to ask and that Cat will go to him if she needs anything.

Nevertheless, during the entirety of his meeting with Cat, all he can think about is what is going on between Cat and Mikko, and wondering why he has let his imagination run wild. It is not like there is actually something going on between Cat and Mikko. He would know.

Would he, though?

Nathan compels himself to ignore the topic and focus on Cat's debriefing of his deals for the season. This is going to be a long season.

Dreaming Out Loud // Jonathan Toews, Chris Kreider, Nathan MacKinnonWhere stories live. Discover now