Baltimore, Maryland

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Baltimore, Maryland, October 23, 2019

"So how did you manage to land Mikko Rantanen as a client?"

Cat's jaw tightens as she slowly looks up from her food. Her eyes narrow at the man seated across from her. She can feel Mikko tense up from beside her as he glances between her and Patrick Kane's agent, Draemon Wilson. Cat had been dreading this shoot with B-Tech Sports ever since she landed Mikko the gig. She knew Patrick Kane was involved in their recent campaign since word on the street was that Wilson landed Kane the endorsement deal that most athletes wanted.

Nevertheless, she wants Mikko to succeed in every way possible. After the summer he had, she is willing to do almost anything to elevate him. Caterina is willing to confront her condescending ex-boyfriend for Mikko's path of recovering his image.

It is her job to keep her personal feelings out of a professional setting like this but a confrontation with Wilson makes it extremely difficult for her. Caterina met Draemon when they both attended Columbia for sports marketing. They were friends for the first three years of their program and did not pursue a relationship until the winter of their senior year. Cat was inexperienced and never really knew what to do in a relationship. Unfortunately, she never felt the sparks with Draemon and broke up with him shortly after she signed Nathan MacKinnon.

Draemon had been bitter since that happened. He accused her of caring more about Nathan MacKinnon than she ever cared about him, which funny enough, seems to be a recurring theme in her relationships. However, Cat did not see it that way. She was starting to feel like Draemon was trying to put her down. He started acting like he was better than her and that she was holding him back from achieving greatness. When Cat finally landed Nathan and proved him wrong, Draemon could not handle it. That was when Cat knew she had to cut the cord.

Draemon eventually made a splash in the industry, signing Patrick Kane and rising Major League Baseball rookie, Juan Soto in quick succession. Cat remembers him being the talk of the town and everyone putting Drae on their radars.

"As you know, I already have my foothold in Denver. Mikko was free and by some miracle, I convinced him I was the right fit for him," Cat tries to assert her dominance in the Denver market and at the same time, display some modesty.

Wilson nods, visibly unimpressed by Cat's display of strength. Cat tries not to sink or cower. She will not let a man, especially her ex-boyfriend, make her feel small. She has accomplished a lot and no one is going to make her feel less than she is.

"I see that you are starting to dip your toes in the National Hockey League. Noticed that you did not go much further other than MacKinnon," Wilson says with a charming smile on his face but Cat can detect the venom.

Mikko senses the clear tension between the two, exchanging a look with Patrick Kane, who is seated beside him. The two hockey players gaze at each other quizzically, unsure of why their agents are in the midst of conflict.

After the shoot with B-Tech Sports, the two decided to go out to eat a celebratory dinner with their agents. They did not anticipate dinner going south.

"You didn't get Artemi Panarin either, Drae," Cat mutters bitterly.

Cat was fully aware of the players in the running for Artemi Panarin. It was intimidating to be competing against Wilson, Grayson Smith, and Terrence Wong for the Russian superstar, since they were men who had doubted her and made her life a living hell at some point in her career. However, she wanted Panarin so badly that she was willing to break her Tristate hockey player ban to pursue him.

Turns out, neither of them had a chance. Panarin was looking for an agent he felt at home with, someone who spoke his language.

"Well, Drae here also represents Claude Giroux from the Philadelphia Flyers," a new voice pipes up for the first time since the party sat down at this table.

Car turns to the blonde woman seated beside Wilson. She almost forgets that Wilson brought his fiancée, Renae, with him on this trip. Renae places a hand on Wilson's upper arm as she shoots Cat a satisfied look. It seems like Renae has been trying to flaunt Wilson and his success in front of her since she showed up to the shoot with him. Cat certainly was not disappointed that she did not make her presence known at the dining table until now.

I don't care about my stupid ex, Cat thinks to herself, I'm kind of trying to get over the other dumbass at this table. She turns to look at Mikko. He catches her gaze and gives her a small but encouraging smile. Stop it, Mikko, she internally curses him.

"I get that I do not necessarily occupy space in the NHL and I am fine with that. I am happy where I am," Cat can feel Mikko playing footsie with her.

"She treats us well," Mikko pipes up.

He is rubbing his foot against hers as a showing of support, Cat realizes. He probably already noticed the tension and resignation in her.

"Heard great things about you, Ms. Hale," Patrick Kane cuts in, giving her a grin.

Cat knows Patrick Kane has a soft spot for her because of her sister, Jack. Two years ago, he called Cat personally to apologize when he decided not to sign with her. Jack had informed her when Kane separated from his previous agent and urged her to pursue him. Cat knew she did not fight hard enough since she had been tentative to fight for another professional hockey player who is not Nathan. Patrick must have known that because even though he is close with her sister, he went with her arch nemesis, the man sitting across from her.

"Heard you're talking to Jeff McNeil from the New York Mets. Are you trying to challenge Grayson's foothold in New York?" Wilson challenges.

Cat sighs.

"I think he's a solid guy and a wonderful player. I'm not trying to disrespect Grayson, I just really like the guy," she explains.

"Meanwhile, Drae's guy is playing in the World Series right now..." Renae interrupts, alluding to Wilson's baseball star.

Patrick and Mikko exchange another glance, a sudden understanding forming between the two to change the subject quickly before this gets ugly.

"Anyone read any interesting books lately?" Patrick splutters quickly.

His question is met with silence. Even Mikko is staring at the American hockey player blankly.

At the most opportune moment, Cat's phone vibrates loudly somewhere in her purse. She has never been so happy fishing out her phone to take a phone call. It is likely a work call and she is not even upset about that. Cat pulls her phone out of her purse and checks the caller ID. Nathan. Cat excuses herself from the table and walks out of the restaurant to take the call.

"Nate," she greets warmly.

"We need to talk," Nate does not sound too pleased.

Cat raises an eyebrow in confusion, continuing to pace around the front entrance. She begins recounting all the things she has done recently to piss off Nathan.

"It sounds like you are breaking up with me," Cat jokes.

Under any other circumstance, Nathan would respond with a chuckle or a funny retort. He did not offer any this time.

"I know what you did to land Rants the B-Tech deal."

Cat feels her heart drop to her stomach. How?


Cat is not too happy with how she got Mikko the endorsement. The representative made it very clear to Cat that B-Tech Sports wanted Nathan in this campaign with Patrick Kane. Cat had made up some excuse or lie about Nathan not being able to sign with them due to a conflict with his endorsement contract with some other sports outfit. She offered Mikko instead and they were happy to take him instead of the Canadian superstar.

She is not sure how Nathan found out though.

"You knew I wanted B-Tech, Cat. Why on earth did you betray me like this?" Nathan sounds mad.

Cat stops pacing and puts her free hand over her face.

"You know why. I'm trying to help Mikko like you asked," Cat reasons.

"When did I become your second choice, Cat?"

It may be the confrontation with Wilson that put her on edge, but Cat's mild irritation has suddenly turned into pure rage.

"You are not my second choice, Nate. I have always prioritized you over every aspect of my life. Can I put that on pause for like one second to take care of everyone else?"

"Are you kidding me? You have given Moose more than you have ever given me! The 10 million dollar contract? The B-Tech endorsement? Am I chopped liver or something?"

Cat kicks at the pebbles by the entrance of the restaurant, not knowing how else to take out her frustration.

"Stop being so fucking insecure. You told me you were fine with the offer on the table when we were negotiating your contract," Cat snaps.


Cat is too angry to fret over Nathan raising his voice at her. He has never been so angry with her. Similarly, she has never been furious with him either. Cat feels like she is ready to explode.




There is a pause. This break from their screaming match has given Cat the opportunity to realize that she just said something she did not mean. At this moment, she realizes that she completely screwed up with Nathan.

"Is that what you really think?" Nathan asks sadly, the rage in his voice still present.

Shaking her head profusely, Cat curses herself for letting her anger get the best of her.


"I can find myself another agent," Nate says in defeat.

Before Cat can apologize or offer him a response, he hangs up the phone.

I'm so sorry Nate, I don't mean any of it, Cat wishes she can explain herself to him. Maybe they both need some time to cool off before revisiting this conversation. She has fought with Nathan before but it has never been this bad. She has never hurt his feelings as a result of an angry outburst.

Cat completely blames her conflict with Wilson and her constant need to defend her actions. She has always found herself defending her loyalty to Nathan. It was extremely frustrating for him to question her dedication to him when she would and felt like she had sacrificed her life for him.

She also did not expect him to be so jealous of Mikko. He practically had to beg her to take him on as a client. Why on earth is Nathan reacting like this?

Before she can wallow in her anger and sadness, the group she dined with emerges from the entrance of the restaurant. Cat quickly recollects herself and smiles at Mikko, who is leading the party.

"I paid for your meal, least I can do after everything you've done for me," he says sweetly.

Cat smiles at him appreciatively.

"So... trouble in paradise?" Draemon gestures to her phone with a knowing smile on his face.

At this moment, Cat has a sudden realization. She knows how Nathan came across the information about the deal with B-Tech Sports. Draemon had been in contact with the representative first. Once he landed Patrick the endorsement, he possessed the knowledge that they were going after Nathan next. He definitely manipulated Nathan into thinking that Cat was turning against him.

Cat knows deep in her heart that Draemon Wilson will do whatever it takes to see her fail. The best way to guarantee that is to cripple her. Cat Hale without Nathan MacKinnon might as well be handicapped.

Draemon, with Renae in tow, turns and walks away from the group to flag down an Uber he apparently ordered while inside the restaurant. Cat stares blankly as Draemon and Renae each hug Patrick goodbye. She waits until the pair gets inside the vehicle before turning to the two hockey players.

Cat wants more than anything to go out and drink her sorrow away. However, the last thing she wants for Mikko is another outing at a bar. They are not in Denver so it is not likely that he will be recognized. Nevertheless, Cat will not risk it when it comes to Mikko.

She notices that Patrick Kane is still standing around, looking at her expectantly. It does not seem like he wants to go anywhere.

"Your agent just straight up left you. What is your plan?" Cat asks innocently.

"I fly back to Chicago tomorrow afternoon. Drae will be in touch tomorrow so no worries on that end. He rarely spends time with Renae so I want to give them a chance to get it on tonight," Patrick responds.

She tries not to roll her eyes. Renae is an influencer and often travels for her job. Cat knows how much her job takes out of her so she can imagine what it is like for Draemon. It makes sense that the two are like two ships passing in the night but Cat finds it irritating that Draemon brought his fiancée to a professional obligation and treating this like a vacation. Patrick seems like a decent guy to let his agent spend quality time with his partner. Meanwhile, Nathan has thrown a fit just because he is jealous and angry at her for representing Mikko. It just is not fair.

Cat scolds herself for thinking about Nathan again. It really seems like her life revolves around him. She needs to do something tonight to get her mind off of him. This means she cannot be left alone tonight. Something has to happen tonight.

Cat booked Mikko a flight to Miami, Florida for tomorrow afternoon so he can meet up with the rest of his team in Sunrise before their game against the Florida Panthers on Friday. The two athletes have nothing else to do for the rest of the evening and are currently looking to her for plans. This is the perfect opportunity.

"Bar?" Patrick suggests.

Cat shakes her head quickly.

"Nope," she shoots Mikko a meaningful look.

Mikko nods in understanding. Patrick, just realizing the error of his ways, apologizes.

"We can grab some wine and hard liquor before going to my hotel room?" Mikko suggests.

Cat ponders over Mikko's suggestion.

"You know why you are not allowed to get blackout drunk, right?" Cat warns the Finnish hockey player.

"Yes ma'am!"

There is a brief pause as the decision hangs in the air. The two hockey players look to Cat for the final answer. There is nothing in life she needs more than drinking with company and forgetting about her fight with Nathan for the night.

Finally, Cat obliges.

"Let's go!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2023 ⏰

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