Chapter two

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"daddy" I said in a flirtatious tone as we turns to look me in the eye i feel my heat growing wet as our eyes met I could get lost in them if I could " what are you going to do kiss me" I say in a mocking way as he grabs my face and pull it up to his I couldn't help but push my thighs together as a way to get some relief  " you would like that won't you slut" He replied I moan at the pet name my eyes widen as his lips crash into mine "daddy~" I said as I wrap my arms around him I can feel his muscular arms wrap around my waist pulling me closer to him his bulge was pressed up to my heat as I pull away from the kiss a trail of saliva connected us " Good night my little slut" my fave grew as red as a tomato "n...night daddy* I said as he walks into his room "oh my god" I rush to my room and pull off any articles of clothing I had on my body I needed to feel his hands touching my body I needed him as I lay in bed I slowly spread my legs and played with my clit I couldn't think straight I need my daddy I needed his cock I need his baby as I played with myself I couldn't help but moan " Daddy~" my moans were quite yet still loud "Fuck me please~" my legs started to shake as I played with my clit my moans became more noticeable a knots formed in my stomach but I couldn't stop It wasn't long befor that knot came undone " Ahh~" I moaned and I came on my hand I layed there in my bed Legs open face flushed  "I need my daddy, I need him"

Hey guys, sorry it has been a long time. High school sucks I will try to update more 😄

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