chapter three

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As I lay in bed I can't hemp but think about all the things he could do to my small body Take my virginity,breed me,Slap me,choke me, I need him so bad "I should just head to sleep" as my eyes close I feel myself drifting into sleep I felt someone sit on the edge of my bed and brush hair out of my face as I open my eyes I'm met with my step father "S..Shane!" as he smiles that cheky smile he said "Good morning my dear your mother left for work what do you we have some Father daughter bonding time" he opens his eyes and gets up ad I sit up and rub my eyes I let out a sigh " Fine I'll be down in 10" He claps his hands together and smiled "good dress comfortable" I watch as he leave the room I slowly get out of bed and throw on a crop top and sweat pants I open my door and walk into the kitchen were I see Shane cooking " Morning" He says in his deep voice As he hands me Pancakes i pour on ( What ever you like on Pancakes) "You look wonderful my dear" I heard my step father say "Oh uh thanks" He walks behind me and kisses my head "Hey shane" he looks at me as he sits down "yes Y/N my darling?" I turn read at the name he called me " Have you ever liked someone you went supposed to" his blue eyes stare into my e/c and I can feel my face flush a pink color " Well darling unfortunately I do but if you dont mine me asking who is it you like" I turn my face away from him his gaze before slowly opening my mouth to answer "Well its um its you" I can hear him choke on his drink And than I hear his glass get set on the table I close my eyes waiting to hear the things he was going to say about it Than I feel arms snake around me "Oh my precious baby girl My princess" he says in his husky voice I can feel my heat heating up as he said those Things to me "I love you too" With that he spins my around and kisses me I moan into the kiss and he presses his leg to my growing heat "Daddy" I said into the kiss he stops kissing me and looks at me "Yes princess?" I wrap my arms around his neck and lift a leg to wrap around his waist to pull him closer "Would it be wrong if I wished for you to take me" He chuckles to him self befor sliding off my (pants or shorts) "that wouldn't be a problem princess"

hey guess I hoped you likes this a little more and have a wonderful day! or night!

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