chapter nine

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Y/n's pov
I woke up in a dark room my hands tied my head pounding I looked around hoping to find anything to no avail "hello" I whispered softly "good morning slut" a unfamiliar voice stated before I felt someone touch me "Your pretty you know that there's already bids in the millions for ya" the voice said as I felt the blade of a knife against my skin "Who are you and what do you want!?" I said scared out of my mind "It's not what I want doll it's what yoyr mom wants" The cold voice said " mother" I said nervously as I started to hyper ventilate "W..why W.mhat did I do"I stop when felt the person punch me" QUITET"I closed my mouth as tears stained the fabric on my eyes Wait till my daddy hears about this"I said hoping that wou scare the kidnapper
"Oh trust me honey I hope he does"

Alpha's POV
"BOSS BOSS"i yelled as I ran up to shane "Good news boss we found her" I said happily as I put down the tablet showing hom the exact location on Y/N"she's as a ware house known fkr sex trafficing"I said sadly as Shane got up from his dest and threw the table across the room"Fuck..."Shane said as he grabed me and lifted me up"Get the boys " Shane said before dropping me "Yes sir"i said getting up and running to the meeting room

Y/N'S mom

"That fucking whore"I said as she slammed another glass of wine an old picture of Y/N on her first day of school "I love her but fuck..she hurt me"I said as she closed my eyes "My little girl...MY LITTLE GIRL"my eyes pop back open when it hit me I sold my only daughter to sex traffickers "W..what have I done"I cried out as I looked at the smached picture Y/N "My baby"i said quietly as I got up and smashed the wine glass on the floor o grab my phone and attempt to call the man I sold her too a well know sex trafficker mob (I'm lazy you name the mob)M/N "PICK UP YOU FUCKING IDIOTS"i yelled as I called ag and got no answer

Sorry it's short but enjoy ❤️

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