Chapter 6

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I walk out and go to the living room with all the members staring at me. "Why are you guys all looking at me." i asked confused and went to sit on the couch

"We all heard you guys fucking, so we ended the live." Momo said red as hell.


"THATS FUCKING HILARIOUS HAHAHAHAHAHAHH" I said laughing with them. and then someone smacks all of us in the head, mina to chae, momo and dahyun, and sana to me.


"I just finished, and don't laugh at my momoring like that." sana said while sitting on my lap like a baby.

"Yes ma'am" i said and gave her a peck on the lips then look into her eyes.

"Alright um everyone get ready, you guys have to practice for ur next comeback in 3 weeks, all i can tell you is that it's gonna be comeback after comeback." i said about to take Sana off of me, but she latched on to me. "carry me to my room please." i hold onto her tight and run to her room.

-time skip-

Twice now made a comeback with "Yes or Yes" and they've been crazy busy since they also did "What is Love" and "DTNA". I haven't been able to see sana that much, because i've also been helping uncle with the other groups, especially Stray Kids so i'm really close with them now.

"It's been a hell of a month huh Y/n." uncle said to me while signing papers.

"Yea i feel like i'm about to pass out uncle." i said laying back on the chair.

"Oh! then take a break, i don't wanna get killed my ur mom for overworking her only daughter." Uncle said still looking at the computer.

"Thanks uncle, i'm gonna go surprise sana then, byeee." i said waving at him.

Sana and the others are doing a variety show right now called the "Knowing Bros" i walked in and decided to watch since none of them noticed me except some staff who let me in.

"So sana, we heard you're the last one in the group to be in a relationship, yet you're the most romantic one." Heechul said.

"It's surprising i know, but i finally found the right person for me and i think i'll be with her forever." Sana said smiling.

"It's Park Y/n right? The niece of JYP" Ho-Dong asked.

"Yea it is, isn't she the prettiest person ever." Sana said.

"You guys really are the perfect match for each other, with your cuteness and her prettiness." Kyung-Hoon said.

"Hold up i think i see someone familiar with the staff."

I was just watching knowing that it wouldn't be me they're talking about, until Heechul walked up to me.

"um hey Heechul." i said awkwardly.

"You should come on the show, let's go." he said then dragged me in.

Twice started cheering because they haven't seen me in a while due to our busy schedules.

"Please introduce yourself"

"Hello, my name is Park Y/n nice to meet everyone." i said to the cameras then bowed to the hosts.

"Here take a seat Y/n." Sang-min said.

i took a seat next to sana and they just started asking me questions about sana and stuff.

"Is sana really clingy?"

"Does she actually kiss a lot?"

"is she always happy with you?"

"Well i'll just answer those three questions no more please haha, so for the first one yes, sana is the clingiest one out of all the members, maybe because we're together but she's clingy with the members too." i said laughing.

"It's true, Sana can't be alone for more than 5 minutes without hugging someone." Momo said laughing with me.

"Second question, yes she does kiss a lot, she does it out of no where too, she tends to catch me off guard a lot, causing me to fall for her more." i said holding her hand under the table while she was blushing hard.

"Third question, she's  usually always happy with me, but when she is mad at me i'll make sure to say sorry to her as fast as i can, cause i ain't tryna be a single lady, and sana is like my everything." i said

she said a bit sad.

"I meant she is my everything, i can't live without her."
i said and gave her a kiss on the lips.


i released from the kiss and she just dug her face into my chest.

"And fun fact sana gets flustered real easily and that's usually how i mess with this cute hamster of mine."
i said and chuckled.

"Let's end this episode now shall we?"
Ho-Dong said and we all nodded.

"And that is the end of todays episode with Twice and surprise guest Park Y/n, Thank you for watching!" 

We all said our goodbyes and were all in the car.

me and sana were in the back alone and everyone was basically sleeping already, she lays her head on my shoulder and i try to adjust for her. "You tired baby?" i said softly. "Mhm, i miss being with you all the time babe." she whined. "I know i know but guess what" i said. "what?" she replied back. "I'm gonna be having a month long break next week since my family is coming to visit me, and i'm pretty sure you guys are getting a break too, so i wanted to introduce to my family." i said with hope. "are you okay with that baby?".

"Of course babe, and i wanna meet the twins anyways, they look so cute in the photos, i just wanna pinch their cheeks, just looking at them makes me wanna have a family." she said tiredly.

"trust me we'll have a big family and i'll work even harder to take care of them, i'll even be a stay at home mom if your working, anything to make you happy." i said gladly.

i felt her nod on my shoulder, i looked at her and she was asleep. We arrived and the members were already awake heading into the dorm, i didn't even try to wake her up and just carried her to the dorm, because i already knew that's what she would make me do.

I change her into her pajamas and put her in bed and decided to lay beside her and go to sleep too since i was tired as hell, but right as i lay down she pushes me off the bed.

"YAH SANA YAH WAKE UP BABY" i yelled at her.

"Why are you on the floor babe?" she said confused.

"Well i was about to lay beside you to cuddle and then you pushed me off, and now my butt hurts." i said whining.

"Aww i'm sorry for hurting you babe, now come get into bed i wanna cuddle." she said.

"then don't push me off pabo." i said.

"yah next time you call me that you're staying on the floor."

"sorry baby hihi" i chuckled

"let's sleep now shall we?" i say and kiss her lips and she kisses back, i release after a few seconds.

"Goodnight baby~"

"Goodnight babe~"

(Sorry for making this one short, i just got really bored of it since the next chapter is definitely gonna be better.)

Meant To Be. SanaxFemale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now