Rory's First Date

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Frankie had been so consumed with helping Ms. Patty prepare all the dancers for the Stars Hollow Autumn Festival, as well as her showcase, she hadn't spent much time with her family. She would wake up in the morning, skate over to Luke's to grab a coffee, rehearse with Ms. Patty and the children, go to school, then rehearse into the night with Ms. Patty again. Frankie was completely out of the loop when it came to her family's lives.

The showcase had gone perfectly. Frankie's piece placed first in her age group, which Ms. Patty had praised her for, and she had started getting scouted by arts schools, which was even more exciting for Frankie. She had never thought about college, not like Rory had anyway, but now that people were looking at her as someone with potential, the prospect of college was more enticing; especially because she would be doing something she loved.

Her grandparents, along with her mother, sister, and Tristin, had come to the showcase to support Frankie. Richard clapped the loudest out of everyone as Frankie had finished her dance, his enthusiasm contagious. Emily had hugged Frankie, which had shocked the girl, but the show of support was greatly appreciated. Lorelai and Rory were always Frankie's biggest fans, and had attempted to run up on the stage to bear hug her when the piece ended, but they were stopped by security. Tristin had surprised the entire Gilmore clan by showing up, which had ruffled feathers with Rory somewhat, but she had gotten over it quickly. Lorelai was shocked, but composed herself when Frankie had introduced Tristin, and he had been the perfect gentleman.

Since the showcase, Frankie hadn't seen Tristin much because of her busy schedule with the Autumn Festival. His schedule was more flexible, so she had invited him to the festival, not expecting a firm commitment. To her surprise, Tristin had agreed. Frankie was very excited to show him around Stars Hollow, and get some time alone with the boy. They hadn't had much of that yet.

Frankie's hectic schedule was also the reason she hadn't heard anything about Rory's first kiss. Her first kiss with Dean. Her first kiss ever. Lorelai was spiraling, but Frankie was completely out of the loop. Although the news had spread around town, Frankie still hadn't heard a peep.

Frankie was just hopping out of the shower after a long day with Ms. Patty, when Lorelai and Rory stormed into the house.

"Woah, what happened?"

"Mom invited Dean for movie night," Rory called over her shoulder, heading straight for her room.

"What? Why?" Frankie asked, only receiving the sound of Rory's bedroom door closing in response. She turned to her mother, a look of confusion written on her face.

"Dean and Rory kissed," Lorelai said quietly, walking into the kitchen and placing the grocery bags down on the table.

"When did that happen?" Frankie exclaimed.

"A few days ago."

"Damn, I am so out of the loop," Frankie muttered, sitting down at the table and rifling through the bags.

Rory opened her door, inviting them in to help her pick an outfit. Frankie stayed in the kitchen, eating some of the snacks that her family had brought home, while Lorelai helped Rory decide on the perfect outfit for her not-a-date date with Dean. Once the outfit was decided, the snacks were placed in bowls and arranged on the coffee table in the living room. The three Gilmore's then sat and waited.

"What time did you tell him to get here?" Rory asked anxiously.

"Seven," Lorelai responded with a smile.

"Maybe something happened. Maybe he's not coming."

"Maybe he's just late, miss German Train."

Frankie rolled her eyes and stood up from her place on the couch and walked over to the windows, peering outside to check if Dean had arrived. "Oh, no."

"What?" Rory asked, leaping off the couch, Lorelai hot on her heels.

Outside, Dean had been cornered by Babette. She had a grip on his forearm, and he was looking around, desperately trying to get away.

"They've got Dean," Rory said to Lorelai.

"Wait here." The twins stayed put as Lorelai sprinted out the door, rescuing Dean from Babette's clutches.

"I'm sorry I'm late. I got here, like, a half-hour ago," Dean said once he was safely inside.

"We believe you," reassured Rory.

"We'd believe you if you said you got here three hours ago," Lorelai stated as she walked back in the house.

There was an awkward silence as everyone stood around unsure of what to do next.

"So, Dean, how do you like it here in Stars Hollow?" asked Lorelai.

"I like it. It's quiet, but – but nice. I like all the trees everywhere."

"Yeah, the trees here are something." As Lorelai started telling a story about Rory and Weeping Willows, Frankie slipped out of the room, grabbing the phone on her way to her bedroom.


Frankie smiled into the phone at the sound of Tristin's voice. "Hey, it's me."

"Hey, Frankie, what's up?"

"Nothing, just wanted to call and say hi. Rory has a date over and I didn't want to third wheel with my mom."

"Rory has a date, huh? Maybe she isn't such a Mary after all."

Frankie chuckled, laying down on her bed and picking at one of her throw pillows. "I don't know, she's really freaked out about it. I wish you were here right now, I'd be having so much more fun."

"Next time, I promise. Plus, I'll be in Stars Hollow for the festival in a few days."

"Frankie! Pizza's here!" Lorelai called from the hallway.

Frankie sighed. "Okay!" She returned her attention back to Tristin. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

"No worries. Call me later if you're bored."

"I will, definitely. Bye," Frankie said, hanging up the phone with a smile. She walked out into the living room and sat down next to her mother, grabbing a slice of pizza.

Frankie ended up falling asleep on the couch as the movie played. When Lorelai left the room to give Rory and Dean privacy, she woke up her youngest gently and helped her off to bed. Frankie missed Lorelai's talk with Dean, much to her disappointment, and the heart-to-heart between the mother and daughter after the date, but still enjoyed the reenactments just the same.

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