Party Mayhem

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Rory and Kayla were sitting in on Lane's band rehearsal in the Gilmore garage, so Frankie and Jess decided to swing by for a bit. After finishing one of their songs, the group began arguing over band names, which made the couple laugh. Kayla was making googly eyes at Brian, and Frankie took notice, nudging her best friend in the ribs and wiggling her eyebrows.

Jess eventually signaled to Frankie that he was ready to leave, so the couple said their goodbyes and left the garage, leaving the band to rehearse more.

"Anything on your car?" Frankie asked her boyfriend as they walked over towards the house.

"Nothing," Jess said sadly. His car had been stolen, and he hadn't heard anything from the police yet. "It's probably holed up in some chop shop. Say goodbye. It's gone. Whatever. Let's talk about something else." He wrapped an arm around Frankie's shoulder, pulling her into his body.

"I'm glad you're getting to know Dave and Brian."

"Yeah, they're nice guys."

"It's going to make the six of us going to prom together even more fun," Frankie said with a crooked smile.

Jess rolled his eyes playfully. "Ah, yes, I almost forgot about that."

"No, you were trying to forget." Frankie snaked her arms around Jess' waist as they stopped in front of the front steps.

"I agreed to go, and I'm a man of my word."

"How's that arm I twisted?"

"I got the feeling back."

"This is the last dance Kayla and I get together, and I think it'll be fun."

"I'm getting the tickets this week," Jess confirmed.

"I'll pay, okay?"

"Not a chance."

"It means a tux, you know," Frankie teased. "It's a little geeky."

"Tuxes are also James Bond. That's not geeky."

"You're sweet."

"And going to stash a change of clothes in the limo." Jess leaned in and kissed her lips before they parted ways.

The night of Lane's gig, Frankie skated home from Ms. Patty's and got ready, then headed over to the diner to meet up with Jess. Rory and Kayla were already at the house to help set up the band, so the couple had a little bit of time to themselves before the party.

"Hey!" she greeted as he walked out of the diner.


Frankie cocked her head, furrowing her eyebrows as she studied Jess' face. "You okay?"


She kept studying his face as they walked, unconvinced, but dropped the subject. "How was your day?"


"Monosyllabic this evening. Got it," she chuckled, trying to keep the mood light.

Jess just shrugged in response as they rounded the corner and headed towards the house. The party was already packed, with guests filtering out onto the lawn. Frankie heard the stereo turn off, signaling that the band was going on soon, so she picked up her pace. "Come on! They're about to go on."

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