Howlan Guidebook

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Pink is food and supplies sell-out, yellow is the cottages of the residents and green forest

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Pink is food and supplies sell-out, yellow is the cottages of the residents and green forest.

HOWLAN is the name of the land where they live, a town full of merchants, houses, animals and forests. There lives a castle, the Holloway castle. The castle is is also the gate to the outside and the inside of the village, having a path in between the castle for carriages or people to enter. The inside is the home of the royals, horses and weaponry are stored in the castle. There’s a lower floor where chambers are settled. The doors are metal bars, which are always open, that meaning they are guarded by the guards in the towers, who can close them and open them.

HOWLINS: “Howlins” is the name of the residents of Howlan (royalty usually calls them that instead of “villagers” but It can also be used as a nickname in-between the villagers.) Everyone shares the same morning routine, as every morning the Queen, accompanied with the prince, announces the duties of the day. The soldiers get ready to watch the castle and the horizons, looking for any intruders or merchants from other villages. Hunters go out in search of food when needed to later on be sold to everyone. And everyone else goes on with their daily duties, either house work, selling, or just chatting with your neighbors. If an emergency occurs, a warning will be sent out and everyone must go home immediately, guards are always ready to fight, as well as the hidden archers in the towers of the castle. There are maids and butlers in the castle, preparing meals and taking care of them. Mitsuo and Ylva each have their own maid who helps them with anything they ask, though Mistuo doesn’t order anything the maid does it because of Ylva’s orders. If someone does not obey they duties and no reasonable explanation is given, further actions will be taken.

MITSUO HOLLOWAY & YLVA THE III: The Queen and prince of the castle(18 y.o, 39 y.o), rulers of all of Howlan and the ones who posses the most powerful magic of all the village, with the power of resuscitation and death. But they never use it, as they accept that everyone dies someday as it is meant to be. Mitsuo only lived with the power of resuscitation from his father, who sacrificed himself for Mitsuo and his wife, Ylva, to live during his birth. Mitsuo is shown hatred from Ylva as she loved her husband truly, and strictly educates Mitsuo to be royalty-like. Mitsuo lives off from magic, as the magic of his father didn’t leave him, they don’t know how long it will last until it vanishes. As for that reason, he doesn’t have a human-like heart, he can’t feel emotions towards anyone neither can express it, but this is a secret only the royal’s know, aka Ylva. She trained him to act humanly among the villagers to not give a creepy impression among their people. Image is everything.

ALONZO BELLROSE: a villager (Howlin, 19 y.o) who lives with his parents( Mary Bellrose, 34, Lloveth Bellrose, 36) in a cottage in the village, each day he goes to the library to read a book and then takes care of household chores with his parents. He likes to spend time in the forest with his friends, the animal spirits. He doesn’t have any interest in anyone he’s ever met, even though the other woman villagers find him interesting. He’s sweet and kind-hearted to his neighbors, always looking up to everyone.

CREATURES: Because of many forest fires, any animals are rarely seen in the forest til this day, but the ones who have passed have their souls resting on the now peaceful forest. Some may be friendly to the villagers, others may not but they are of no harm as they’ll usually run away. The creatures aren’t human-like, they either have extra limbs, horns, eyes or any part of their body. They all have unique patterns that are sometimes useful for identifying the gender of the creature. It is traditional that if you encounter a spirit’s resting spot, you must leave an offering like a flower or some food if you have any, the spirit will accept it as a gift and It wouldn’t see you as a bad person.

 It is traditional that if you encounter a spirit’s resting spot, you must leave an offering like a flower or some food if you have any, the spirit will accept it as a gift and It wouldn’t see you as a bad person

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