Answers (PART 4)

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Pain was the main reason for him to wake up, as he looked around his surroundings trying to comprehend where he was. He could only hear faded voices from another room, he soon noticed he was in his room. Alonzo regained his vision, as he tried to sit down but his chest began to hurt, and as he laid down his head also began hurting a bit. His torso and head were all wrapped in bandages, as well as having band aids around his arms and face. The door opened as he turned his head around carefully, noticing his parents standing in the doorway. “A-Alonzo! Sweetheart!” exclaimed Mary, running towards Alonzo as she held onto his hand. “Are you feeling alright dear? Do you need anything?” she asked rapidly. “Im okay mom, it hurts a bit but it’ll go away soon, there’s no need for anything.” he smiled at them. “Alonzo, you do realize it’s been five days since what happened, right?” said Lovith, looking down at him. “Five days?!” Alonzo had lost notion of time, so he was shocked “No, I uhm, lost track of the days…” he sighed. “Well not to worry, everything’s okay.” reassured Mary, squeezing his hand “The forest fire has been handled appropriately, and…” she thought. “What’s the problem?” Alonzo asked, curious. “We haven’t seen the prince in some time, he doesn’t come out with the Queen now a days. The Queen said that he was feeling ill, and that we mustn’t worry.” said Lovith as he scratched his head. “Oh, I see.” Alonzo said, he knew something had happened, and he hoped Mitsuo was okay “Could I get some water if it isn’t that much trouble for you?” Alonzo asked his mom. “Well of course sweetie! No need to ask so formally.” she kissed Alonzo’s forehead before exiting with Lovith. Alonzo turned his head towards his window, looking outside, it was getting late as the sun was setting. Five days had passed, did Mitsuo notice? Would he be worried? So many thoughts wondered around his head. Alonzo’s heart still beat for Mitsuo, as his feelings didn’t disappear, but he couldn’t help think Mitsuo might of already forgotten about him. Alonzo was in the wrong, these past days Mitsuo had been locked inside his room, Ylva had the key and he couldn’t get out even if he wanted to. Everyday, every minute, every second, there wasn’t a time where he didn’t think about Alonzo. Was he okay? Was he safe? Did Ylva do anything else? He didn’t know anything and the urge of just leaving for one night to see if he was alright invaded his mind. The only way to get out was by the window, but he couldn’t open it no matter how hard he tried. He sat down in his bed with his back leaned against the wall, he looked around his room, not knowing what to do. He got up and headed to his vanity, sitting down as he began to brush his hair. He looked at the mirror frame, it had strange overlapping marks for decoration, he tied half of his hair up into a ponytail before he brushed his hand along the marks. He stopped as he felt one of them loose, upon moving it he discovered a key under it. ‘A key?’ he thought, he took it out as he realized this might be one of the spare keys the assistants hide incase they get lost. This was his way out of here, but where did It belong? ‘This is too small for the door, and I can’t find any more key holes in my room.’ he thought ‘Unless…’ he got up and headed to his window, feeling the frame around to see if anything would be loose like the mirror frame, he was indeed right. ‘The reason the window wouldn’t open is because it needs a key, the keyhole was hidden.’ he moved away a piece of loose wood before inserting the key, perfect match. He could now open the window, but he couldn’t go out in plain sight, he had to at-least cover his clothing so he wouldn’t get recognized. He thought what could be useful, until he remembered that one cloak he had from a ceremony in another village. ‘Do I still have it? Oh please just be in the closet..’ he searched for it in his closet, he finally found it. He put it on himself and placed the hood over his head, it was perfect. Now he only needed to wait for it to be night time.
Hours passed and night time arrived as the moon was already out. Mitsuo didn’t think twice about what he was going to do, as he informed the maid that gave him food that he would go to sleep early, and he didn’t want anyone to disturb him. They believed him as no one came to his room again since then, he put on the cloak and quietly opened the window, hiding the key in his pocket. He had to be careful so the watchers in the towers wouldn’t see him. He went around the houses quietly so he wouldn’t be seen. His goal was to find the house with lavender flowers by the entrance as Alonzo let him know that was his home, as his family loved lavender. Not soon after he found it, but he needed to get inside to see Alonzo, he knew his room was in the attic, but he didn’t know how he could climb up, he stood under the window for some time, thinking. As he looked around, he realized then at what state the forest was, there wasn’t a leaf to be seen in most of the trees, it was depressing. ‘What have I done, this is all my fault.’ he thought as he placed his hand on a tree. Wind began to pass out of nowhere, when his hand began to glow, he backed up, startled. One of the deer spirits appeared from the tree, it appears the spirits still stayed in the forest no matter the condition. “Im…sorry about what happened. Will you be able to forgive me?” he whispered to the spirit, laying his hand out to it. The spirit looked at Mitsuo with it’s three eyes, as it let Mitsuo pet his head, accepting the apology. Mitsuo smiled, glad their bond wasn’t over. “Oh, uhm.” he was hesitant “Is there anyway you could help me get up there?” he whispered as he pointed towards the window, it was too high up and he didn’t have a ladder or anything. The spirit stood still, not moving a single inch. Mitsuo sighed, as he turned around towards the house. “Its okay, Im sure I’ll find a way.” he looked around, thinking. ‘Im technically breaking inside someone’s house right now..’ he thought to himself, it sounded way worse now that he thought it like that. The spirit seemed to understand Mitsuo’s meaning of his actions, it walked away towards another tree, the remaining deer spirit came out of it. They seemed to communicate between each other, as they both faded away like the wind towards Mitsuo. “W-what?!” he whispered, panicked. As he was suddenly being lifted up into the air. He realized this must have been the spirits, he took a deep breath as he kept going up, reaching the window. He knocked on the window, before trying to open it. He used all his strength before the rounded window opened, he hanged onto it as he passed his legs through it, landing onto a drawer. “Thank you! Would you be kind enough to help get down in a few minutes from now on?” he screamed-whispered to them. They seemed to disappear without showing any action that would resemble a “yes”, but he didn’t really mind as they have already done a lot. He turned around, his eyes widened as he saw Alonzo laying down. He didn’t have a big bed like he had, more like a little mattress on the ground. He carefully got down, getting on the other side. He sat down quietly as he looked at him, bandages everywhere. Mitsuo’s heart began to hurt once again, he clenched his hand on his shirt. He took off his hood as he looked around. ‘This is all my fault, he’s like this because of me.’  he sighed as he let go of his shirt, placing his shaky hand on top of Alonzo’s. His heart began to soothe as the pain began to fade away in an instant, he blushed slightly. He closed his eyes, as he didn’t know what to do now. ‘I’ve made it this far but what if he doesn’t want to see me, what if he’s mad? What if…’ “Prince?” Mitsuo opened his eyes, startled. He looked over at Alonzo, who’s eyes were open. He stood still as he saw Alonzo sit down. “My prince? Is..everything-“ Alonzo was about to ask “A-Alonzo!” he got interrupted as Mitsuo quickly fell onto him, wrapping his arms around him. Alonzo stood still, startled. “I thought you were gone, that I’d never see you again.” Mitsuo said, he began to cry as he rested his head on Alonzo’s shoulder. Alonzo’s eyes widened, he smiled as he embraced Mitsuo as well, stroking his head. “I.. thought the same.” he said. He closed his eyes, as all his pain went away in a matter of seconds, he felt happier than ever. “Mitsuo, please, don’t cry anymore.”  he said quietly. “I can’t help it, I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” he sobbed “I couldn’t stop blaming myself…” his voice broke. “Why would you ever think that?” he moved Mitsuo, he could now look at his face. “Everything’s my fault. My mother found out about us, about our meetings. Rage took over her and it’s my fault the forest burnt down.” he covered his face, he couldn’t stop crying. Alonzo realized why the arrow he found had the Howlan signature, it all pieced together. “Mitsuo, please, don’t blame yourself because of your mother’s rage.” he said, but he didn’t know if Mitsuo listened as he didn’t get any response from him. “My prince, please look at me.” he gently grabbed his hands, pulling them away from his face, he cried beautifully, it was surprising. “Mitsuo, my feelings towards you haven’t changed. I don’t feel one single bit of hatred towards you.” he said softly. “You…. really don’t?” Mitsuo asked, looking down. “Im really glad you’re here.” he answered instead, blushing a bit. Mitsuo laughed under his breath, blushing a bit as well. He looked at Alonzo’s bandaged torso, he placed his hands against it as he caressed them. Alonzo felt flustered as the tip of his ears went red along with his cheeks. “Does it hurt?” Mitsuo asked. “No, it doesn’t hurt that much anymore...” “D-Did I hurt you when I fell on you?!” he asked, panicked now that he realized. Alonzo laughed a bit “No, it didn’t, don’t worry Mitsuo.” he sighed “Aren’t you tired? It is midnight after all.” he asked. “I can’t really deny, but I didn’t have a better opportunity than this hour…” he sighed. “You could rest here for a little bit, I know you’ll have to go sooner or later.” Alonzo’s ear went down a bit. “I was…so worried five days ago. I couldn’t see you anywhere, I thought I lost you.” he blurted out. “Oh, Mitsuo…” Alonzo listened. “You’ve made me feel so many things I have never, ever felt before. And it hurt so much deep inside whenever I saw you injured or just away from my reach. I don’t know what these feelings are and I can’t control any of them. But…” he looked down. “But what, Mitsuo?” Alonzo asked. “I’ve only felt them whenever im with you. I’ve never felt that… happy or alive with anyone else. A-And I don’t want to stop feeling what Im feeling right now, but I just want to know what it is….” he looked at him, his eyes shined as he faintly smiled. “I can’t..really say it.” Alonzo blushed, he couldn’t explain it with words. “Is there..any other way for me to know?” Mitsuo asked. “Yes..but I can only express it with actions.” Alonzo sighed. “Alonzo, please, I want to know if… you also feel what im feeling.” Mitsuo said softly. They were both standing so close to each other. “I’ve felt it since the start, Mitsuo.” Alonzo said as he lifted up his hand, caressing Mitsuo’s face as he pulled him in, kissing him. Mitsuo blushed, his heart racing like never before, it felt wonderful. He closed his eyes as he let it happen, grabbing Alonzo’s remaining hand. Their heads separated from each other, as Alonzo looked at Mitsuo, his eyes almost closing. Mitsuo lifted up his hand as he pulled Alonzo for a second kiss. It was such a wonderful feeling for him. Alonzo kissed him back as he stopped, kissing him around his cheek. Mitsuo blushed as he laughed under his breath. “Alonzo…” Mitsuo said softly. “Mh?” he murmured. “I… think I love you, Alonzo.” he blurted out, un sure. Alonzo backed up his head, looking at him as his face heated up. “I love you too, Mitsuo. I love you more than anything in this world.” he smiled. “But the world’s so wide, and there’s billions of people out there…” Mitsuo exclaimed. “And yet nobody makes me happier than you do. Nobody made me feel this way. And there’s nobody I’d rather be with than you, my prince.” he kissed his forehead. Mitsuo smiled in awe, as he laid down onto Alonzo’s chest. “Rest while you can, Mitsuo. I’ll wake you up when you must go, before daylight.” Mitsuo nodded, as he used his cloak for a blanket. Alonzo couldn’t stop smiling as he held Mitsuo with his arm. Finally, Mitsuo had all the answers he needed, and the person he searched for. He’d always hope someday somebody would help him understand, then Alonzo appeared that day in the forest. Each day his heart began to beat more and more, unconsciously knowing that he was expressing himself more than he ever did. He realized sooner or later it was all because of him, not anyone else. The desperation to know what these feelings were, how to soothe them or control them. All his answers were resolved in just one night. “Darling, im afraid you have to go.” Alonzo nudged Mitsuo, who woke up at the moment. He sat down as he rubbed his face, Alonzo gave him a forehead kiss. “Alonzo, I don’t know how to get down.” he said. “Oh, let me think for a second.” Alonzo said, not even a minute passed when he already had the answer. “I’ve got it. I just hope it’s still here.” Alonzo crawled to his drawer, searching deep for something. “Got it.” Alonzo pulled out a rope filled with knots. “ that?” asked Mitsuo. “When I was little I loved to sneak out every chance I could, I escaped through the window, and I’d sometimes get caught, im sure it can hold you.” he tested the rope, it was still sturdy as he hadn’t used it for a lot of time now. “Okay, I’ll do it then.” Mitsuo sighed. Alonzo tied the rope to a hook that was hiding behind the drawer, throwing the rope outside the window. “Alonzo?” he said before exiting. “Yes, darling?” he looked up to him.“I don’t know..when we’ll be able to be like this again. But I’ll do anything, I’ll give you hidden signals or just anything so you know I still love you.” he said with determination. Alonzo smiled at him “I’ll do the same then.” They kissed as Mitsuo climbed down the rope, landing safely on the ground. Alonzo put the rope back to the drawer and laid in his bed once again, happier than ever. Mitsuo arrived quietly to the castle, getting in through the window, closing it and placing the key back to it’s original place like nothing had happened. He placed away his cloak and changed his clothes for his pijamas, as he laid in his bed, hugging his spare pillow like it was Alonzo.

 He placed away his cloak and changed his clothes for his pijamas, as he laid in his bed, hugging his spare pillow like it was Alonzo

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2022 ⏰

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