Tragedy (PART 3)

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Alonzo rested in the grass of the forest as the spirits played with each other beside him, he waited patiently for Mitsuo to arrive. He looked up to the sky and watched the stars, he was at peace. ‘Mitsuo’s late, I wonder if something happened.’ time was running out and he didn’t know whether to leave or stay a little longer. ‘I won’t leave yet, I don’t know if he’ll come later on but I’ll stay because of the spirits.’ he looked over at them, the bunny chased the cat as the two deers laid together, the rat and the butterfly moved around as well. He saw how quickly something passed through the corner of his eye, landing inside a bush. All the spirits stood still as they were startled, Alonzo sat down, cautious. “Everything’s okay, do not worry.” he said to the spirits as he waved his hands, calming them down. He got up and walked over to the mysterious object, he reached into the bush to take it out. His eyes widened as he pulled out an arrow, upon looking closely he realized it wasn’t a normal arrow. “LEAVE THE FOREST!, BEFORE-“ he yelled to the spirits, but had no time as the arrow suddenly exploded, Alonzo was sent flying to the ground as it exploded near his torso and face. The spirits panicked as fire began to spread. The arrow had a dangerous chemical that was often created for surprise attacks, whit-in seconds it would explode, giving no time to react properly. Alonzo hit his head as he plummeted to the ground, falling unconscious. The spirits soon flew away from the forest like the wind, they didn’t know where to go. Alonzo regained consciousness, he quickly covered his mouth as he coughed. The whole forest was on fire, smoke everywhere. Alonzo’s chest was bleeding as well as his head, he had some scratches over his face and arms. ‘I- I have to get out of here.’ he thought as he weakly looked around for a way to escape.
Mitsuo laid in his bed as the emergency alarm suddenly began to play, he lifted his torso up and looked out the window, his eyes widened. He sprinted towards the window and watched as the forest tree’s were on fire, it was such a horrible sight. ‘No, no…’ he thought, tears forming in his eyes ‘Alonzo, please, get out of there.’ he slammed his fist against the glass, devastated. The villagers soon woke up and took notice into the problem, every villager exited their houses and reunited around the fountain. “ALONZO?!” screamed Mary, Alonzo’s mother “ALONZO?! WHERE ARE YOU?” she looked around the crowd of people. Lovith, his father, asked around the villagers if they had seen Alonzo, no one saw him. Mary came to a realization he was probably inside the forest, she wanted to go search for him, but Lovith and many other villagers stopped her as she broke down crying, thinking she lost her son. The guards soon arrived, doing their best to stop the fire as now small flames would be seen. Mitsuo watched everything, he didn’t see Alonzo anywhere, he thought the same as Mary. He covered his mouth as tears fell down his face, his heart ached, he couldn’t bare the pain. Mary sobbed as she mourned her son, Lovith comforted her as he also cried, he looked into the forest, trying to see anything. “A-Alonzo?!” Lovith yelled, noticing something move in the forest. He immediately left Mary as he went towards the figure, the guards couldn’t stop him and let him go. Lovith came out, dragging an injured Alonzo in his arms. Mary ran towards them to help Lovith out, sobbing as she saw his son drenched in blood and wounds. Mitsuo looked desperately, he couldn’t see because of his blurry vision. He wiped his eyes to a point they turned red, trying to see just anything that he could identify Alonzo with. He finally saw it. He saw glowing but faded forms around someone, it was the spirits. Mitsuo fell down to the floor as he realized Alonzo was out the forest, and the spirits were accompanying him. He turned his head towards the door as he heard a key from the other side, it unlocked itself for Ylva to appear within the other side. Ylva looked down at Mitsuo, his eyes were red and his hand clenched to his chest. “This was your first warning, you have two left. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do, Mitsuo.” she said coldly, locking the door once again. Mitsuo didn’t care about what she said, he knew Alonzo would be okay, or at-least that’s what he wished for.

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